Chapter Two - The Unknown Angel

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(2nd Person POV)

The sound of your alarm clock has just woke you up from your beauty sleep. Groaning, You slam your hand on the clock, turning it off. "Five more minutes." You said, Diffing back to sleep.

Suddenly a loud air horn woke you up making you scream, fell off your bed and it made your eardrums busted. "Ow..." You groaned, looking up to find KickinChicken holding an air horn in his wing.

"Seriously Kickin?" You said, standing up and brushing the dust off of you. "Hehe..sorry Y/n. But Dogday told me to come and tell you that we're close to the station, so you should probably get dressed." Kickin said.

"Oh, Thanks Kickin." You said, getting ready. "No prob, Girl. see you outside." Kickin said before leaving your room. 

*A few hours later* *At Kissy's Diner*

After landing back at the station, You and you teammates were hanging at Kissy after getting information about this unknown critter called "The Angel" that Dogday told you about in one of his weird Dream he keeps on having, which made you worry about him.

"So, did you find the information you wanted, Dogday?" Crafty asked. "Kinda, But it left me with more questions than answers Crafty..." DogDay answered. "If this "Angel" is dead, then why do I dream of him?" He questions himself.

"Maybe it's not him but the survivor asking for help? Maybe his magic is connected to you." Crafty said. "Yeah, like Catnap's" I said, agreed with her. 'Possible' Catnap signed "You think so too, huh?" DogDay asks him.

"Maybe he's like a psychic! We've got messages like that before." Kickin said. "And Maybe he's still on that planet! We should go check it out!" Hoppy said, joining the talking. "Maybe when we're called for another assignment, okay Hoppy?" Dogday Told her as I laughed a little.

Hoppy groaned as sat back down...Well that just made her board then before.

*Space Riders Apartment*

You settled in your new apartment for tonight, you just have to pick a few groceries before you get a chance to relax. You sighed in relief after you put the last grocery item in the fridge. 

You yawn as you stretch your arms out. You're reading a book while laying in your bed. When you turn another page, you see some weird readings of the two pages. "This is new... i'll read some more with the others in the morning." You said, putting the on your desk.

You wrap yourself up with your blanket and start to fall asleep...

*In your dream world*

You then woke up in a dream, which was really weird. You gasped as you looked around the dream, feeling nervous and alone. You then heard a noise and you turned around to see a black fox critter.

"Excuse me. Do you know where we are?" You asked him. The critter turned to face you, and smiled. "Wait...who are you?" You asked him, then you realised who he is. "W-Wait... are you that "Angel"?" You asked him as he walked over to you.

"Were you the one that Dogday was talking about? I-If y-you don't mind me asking." You said, more nervous. The "Angel" stayed quiet, not making a sound or anything, making you confused.

He then took your hand with both of his hands, making you gasp in surprise. He then said one thing for you to remember, "Find this very magical brooch item and keep it from the Prototype's Cult."

"Wait. What do you mean by very magical?" You asked, lifting your head to look up at him, only to find him gone. "Hello? Are you still there?" You called out to him, but got no response leaving you all alone.

*Back in the real world*

You were still asleep but you were also crying as quiet tears fell out of your closed eyes slowly. "Y/n?" A voice called to you. You woke up to see Dogday and Catnap with their worried look on their faces...Well Dogday has MORE worried look on his face.

You yawned, stretching your arms out. "Did I overslept?" You asked them. Dogday sighed in relief and nodded, "Yeah, you did. You missed a lot actually." "Can you tell me?" You asked him. "Sure, it's gonna be long, but we have time." Dogday said, then he started telling you what happened.

When he was finished, you were completely shocked. "You found the "Angel"?!" You asked. "Yeah, I did." Dogday sighed. "But I..I thought that..but..but..I just thought that-" You said in fast  panic.

"Hey, Hey, Hey. Y/n, Calm down." Dogday said, putting his hands on both of your shoulders. "I know it was dangerous, but I'm safe now, okay?" He said, calming you down. You sighed in relief. "Okay...but please don't do that again?" You asked.

"I promise." Dogday Promised. Then out of nowhere you suddenly hugged him, saying, "Thank you." Dogday hugged you back. Both of you along with Catnap stayed quiet for a while, until Dogday broke the silence.

"Hey Y/n? I forgot to ask...when we got back to the station to come and pick you up, I noticed you've been crying in your sleep. Did you have a nightmare?" He asked. "More like a weird dream, Nothing too concerning, captain." You answered.

"Was it about the "Angel"? Catnap asked. "Yep. But I can tell you about it once i'm ready." You said. "Okay, take your time when you're ready to talk about it. but for now, we still have an assignment to continue. Let's get you dressed." Dogday said.

"Okay." You answered. You just need to find the magical brooch item just like the "Angel" told you to. But where are you gonna find it? Maybe you should take a look at the book to find your answers someday.

(End of Chapter)

Galaxy Love / DogDay x Fem! Reader (Smiling Critters Space Rider AU)Where stories live. Discover now