Special Chapter - The birth of Sailor Diamheart

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(A/N: I put in the transformation music from Sailor Moon Crystal season 1. I'll let you know when it is time to cue the music.)

(2nd Person POV)

You've been staring at the stars for four hours. FOUR HOURS!!!! And you still don't know what magic your brooch have. Lucky Crafty will take a look at it with you in the morning.

"Hey Y/n?" A voice called out to you. You turned and saw Dogday with a worried look on his face. "O-Oh. Hey, Dogday." You said. "You're feeling okay?" Dogday asked as he takes a seat right next to you.

"Yea, I'm fine..." You said, looking back at the stars. Dogday looked to the stars with you and asked, "Still worried about me?" You hummed in agreement, "Cause I was scared of what bad is gonna happen next..."

You then felt arms wrap around you, and looked up to see Dogday hugging you into a tight embrace, you then hugged him back and you both stayed quiet until Dogday broke the silence.

"I know it's scary for both of us and the rest of our team, but the sooner we defeat The Prototype's Cult, the sooner the Galaxy will be safe, I promise." He said, rubbing circles around your back for comfort.

Crafty suddenly came to the view and asked you both while smiling, "Am I interrupting something?" You and Dogday quickly broke away from the hug. "Nothing!" You both said at the same time.

"Oh okay. Y/n, let's a look at your brooch that you have on you." Crafty said. "O-Oh...Okay." You said as held on your brooch on your chest. You followed her leaving Dogday started to get worried again.

(Dogday's POV) *Finally!!*

As I watched Y/n follow Crafty to the lab, I started to get worried about Y/n. 'I've got a bad feeling about this, I have to protect Y/n from The Prototype's Cult the best I can.' I thought as I look at the stars.

Now all I need to do is protect Y/n from danger from now on.

(2nd Person POV)

"It looks like this brooch holds a very strong power in it...Interesting." Bubba said as he takes a look at your brooch. "So... I'm guessing I need to keep it from the evil hands of The Prototype?" You asked.

"Yes. You must keep it on at all times. We don't want it in The Prototpye's hands." Bubba said as he clipped your brooch back on your suit. "Thanks Bubba." You said. "No problem, Y/n." Bubba said.

As you left the lab, Bubba heard loud beeping, he checked the map and sees The Cult on the Moon, planing something big. "Oh no..." He whispered.


You went to the lobby where you found Catnap asleep, laying his head in his arms on the table. "Catnap?" You called to him, making him wake up and look at you. "Feeling tired again?" You asked, and he nodded.

"Oh well. Do you think we can talk for a little bit?" You asked, Catnap nodded and sat up as you sat down at the table. 'So...what do you wanna talk about?' Catnap signed. "Well, It's about having feelings for the Captain." You said, feeling the blush against your cheeks.

Catnap smirks at you and asks, "Feelings for our captain?" "Y-Y-Yes?" You said, Started to blush even more. "Guys! The Cult is on the run again and they're on the moon!" Hoppy said, as she ran to you and Catnap.

"Bubba hasn't chosen someone for the mission, so he told me to go and tell anyone to go to the moon and scout the Cult." Hoppy said. "I'm going." You said, earning a shock impression from Catnap and Hoppy.

Galaxy Love / DogDay x Fem! Reader (Smiling Critters Space Rider AU)Where stories live. Discover now