Chapter One - Y/n's First Mission

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(Y/n's POV)

It's been a few days since I joined the Critter crew, I've also got to meet the rest of my crew mates and I don't understand why Catnap is always quiet, but we both learned sign language so I understand what he's saying.

I sat down, looking at the stars. there were so many, I feel like if only I dream of flying across the stars-


I Jumped as I heard the yell of Hoppy Hopscotch, making Dogday spit out the coffee while drinking it. "I'm bored! When is the next mission happening?" Hoppy asked. "Maybe the next time Bubba gets an Emergency call, how does that sound?" Dogday Answered.

"Ugh! Those Take Forever!" Hoppy groaned. "We're Space Riders! Should we be looking for problems to solve?" She then said. "Hoppy, the galaxy's huge. How are we gonna find problems?" Dogday asked.

"Dogday does have a point, Hoppy." I said, walking over to them. "Really Y/n? You too?" Hoppy asked. "Yep." I answered. suddenly Catnap raps Hoppy up with his tail. "Catnap!" Hoppy said. 'Patience' Catnap signed.

"ugh...fine." Hoppy groaned, giving up. Catnap patted Hoppy on the head with His tail, making giggle a little bit.

"Lucky for you, We just got an call from H.Q." Bubba said, walking in. "The Cult is active again." he then said. Dogday told me about the Prototype and the Cult about they're always causing trouble and want to rule all over the galaxy.

"Do you know where they're at, Bubba?" I asked, Bubba answered, "The commander said they pick up activity in the pisces constellation, on a planet called "Phantom", I'll be sending the coordinates the GPS."

"Well, this might be a lucky day Y/n, because this will be your first mission." Dogday said, patting his hand on my back. "YES!! Y/n's gonna ride with us!" Hoppy Cheered.

'My first mission? Wow. This day keeps on getting better'

(2nd Person POV)

 "Planet Phantom: Pisces Constellation"

You feel your body getting nervous as you look at the planet with red smoke around it. "Hey, you're Alright?" Dogday's voice snaps you out of your nervous thoughts and you turn to him.

"A little bit." You answered. "Don't worry, we'll be done with the mission in no time." Dogday said, calming your nerves. "*sigh* Okay." You said, calming down.  Dogday smiled, then he turned to the others.

"This is unknown territory, stay on guard, okay?" He said. They understood him and we're ready to head to the planet. Dogday then turned to you. "Just on hold to me, Okay?" He said. You Nodded and hopped on the vehicle, wrapping your arms around his waist.

When the five of you landed the vehicles on the planet, there was a lot of red smoke in the area. "Jeez, the red smoke here is thick." KickenChicken said, looking around. "The whole planet is covered by it." Hoppy said.

When you look at the smoke while getting nervous, You check the level of the red smoke around the area, "Warning: high levels of red smoke has been identified in the area, proceed with caution." The radio said.

"Come on, the sooner we shut the generators, the faster we can get off of this planet, Okay?" Dogday said, grabbing your hand gently for comfort. You follow him to where the Cult is. You all hid behind a small hill and stayed quiet.

"A lot of them..Where's that head priest?" Dogday asked, as the five of you were looking around while hiding. You then saw the head priest and spoke quietly, "Over there! On top of the rock." "Good call, Y/n." Hoppy said, making you smile.

"Catnap, do your thing while they're distracted, okay?" Hoppy said to Catnap. 'Okay!' Catnap signed. His tail lights up and shoots a blast, hiding The head priest at the shoulder. 

The head priest saw the five of you and called out, "Space Riders! Kill them now!" "Get ready everyone!" Dogday called out, making you all powered up, ready for battle. "Catnap! Together!" Dogday called, Catnap nodded and the both of them activated their move.

*After the fight*

The Cult are knocked out and you shut down all the generators while your team were fighting the Cult. "Dogday, Mission update." Bubba's voice came through. "Mission successful, tell Crafty to call the medical branch to retrieve the cultists." Dogday said.

"Affirmative, Bubbu, out" Bubba said before cutting out. Maybe your First Mission was not bad after all.

*Back at the critter ship*

You're in your room, Reading a book about the history of the Galaxy when you heard a knock on your door. "Come in." You called out. The door opening was relieved to be Catnap. 'Meteor Shower! wanna watch?' He asked.

"Meteor Shower?! I've never seen one before." You said, feeling excited. 'Lucky day, let's go.' Catnap signed. You followed him, where the others are waiting of the meteor shower to show up.

"Y/n! Come sit next to me." DogDay said, patting on the spot for you to sit. "O-Oh! Sure." You said, taking a seat next to Dogday. "When are they coming?" Dogday asked. Then Bubba started counting down, "Three, Two, One."

And The meteors started showering throughout the galaxy sky. This is the best day you could ever asked for in you life.....

Or was it?

(End of chapter)

Galaxy Love / DogDay x Fem! Reader (Smiling Critters Space Rider AU)Where stories live. Discover now