I'm Back

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I shifted and pushed my legs to go faster and faster. Some time had passed and I could finally see the familiar shops at a distance. I slowed down and tried to catch my breath.

The slow breeze made my fur dance and I closed my eyes to let the calmness settle in. My heart was beating like crazy and my senses were on full alert.

I was about to shift back when I picked up a rotten flesh smell and my eyes darted to my right. There were atleast two rogues slowly approaching the territory.

I picked up another scent not too far away to my left and my ears picked up the soft thump of their paws on the moist grass.

I felt that this was one of my duties as the Luna so I quickly started closing the distance between me and the pack so I could mind link them.

Just as my front paws crossed the border, I mind linked the news to the Beta.

Soon enough, the rogues cut in through the border and a growl rippled through my chest. I ran to the closest one and swiped my claws at its face.

It wasn't as big as I thought it would be as it tried to fight back but I overpowered it and pinned it to the ground. Placing my paw on its neck, I applied pressure to it until it lost conscious.

By that time, almost everyone trained enough to fight was here, but Ethan was no where to be seen.

Taking advantage of my momentary distraction, a rogue jumped me from the side, biting right into my stomach and a growl escaped my clenched teeth.

It was on top of me now, trying to bite at my face. Placing a paw on its snout, I mustered up strength and reversed the position.

I repeated the same method I used on the other wolf and knocked it out.

My vision got blurry as I took care of another rogue but I needed to see this fight to the end. I needed to make sure everyone was safe.

A powerful impact took me by surprise as a wolf, a little larger than the rest, jumped on me. It scratched at the wounds on my stomach and arm and I howled in pain.

I tried to scratch it with my claws or get him off me but black dots started to blur my vision further and I couldn't muster enough strength to do anything.

I swiped my paw at its face but it barely did anything and after what felt like an eternity, someone knocked it off me. It was Harry.

The rogue was taken by surprise and Harry took advantage of that to finish it off in one swell bite to the neck.

I let my eyes wander to the surroundings and saw that everything was under control. I was glad that I had played some part in protecting this pack. My pack.

I was about to welcome the darkness when someone came and craddled my head in their lap. It was Vanessa with tears in her eyes.

"Luna...? You can't keep doing this to us. Coming and leaving. Need medical attention here! ASAP!" She called and I took her hand, squeezing lightly.

"S-Sorry," I coughed up blood before continuing, "how's Ethan?"

I sat up, coughing some more before trying to get up but she tried to hold me down.

"Luna, stop!" I stood with her help and smiled at her weakly.

"L-Let them h-help those who really n-need it," I wheezed and coughed and started to walk, leaning on her.

"You really need it," I brushed her off and she wasn't happy with it as we walked all the way to the hospital.

She told me all about what happened this past week. She told me that Ethan was behaving strangely and that he told them I had gone to stay at my aunt's for a couple of days.

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