Love You, Always

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I had helped Ben and Leah pack and we were all able to say goodbye to the gloomy cottage the very next day.

Back at the pack house, later in the evening, we discussed what we were going to do with Karen.

"We'll do what you tell us to do. Even if you forgive her," he said but I could tell that that was the last thing he wanted to do. And honestly, same here.

"I-I want to t-talk to her b-before making a d-decision," I spoke my mind and he nodded, pulling me with him.

"R-Right now?" He simply nodded and we made our way to the dungeons. We went to her cell and Ethan made the guards leave.

"There you are! The cause of my misery!" Karen screamed, stumbling towards the bars and I remained expressionless.

"Cause of y-your misery?" I scoffed, "Don't m-make me laugh," I glared at her but she kept screeching.

"Stop behaving l-like a psychopath a-and this for m-me; why did y-you do all th-that? To me a-and my parents," I had tears in my eyes as I saw my once, angelic aunt, acting like a literal madwoman.

'It should make you mad, not sad,' Liz spoke.

'I am angry, but a little sad about what we could've had.'

"Because Amanda always got what she wanted! Mother and father LOVED her, while I was just a disappointment," she looked down at the ground with a scoff and rolled her eyes.

"She got an Alpha for a mate while I got a human! HUMAN! So, I did the most reasonable thing and sided with an Alpha who wanted to take over. Gave him powers and he defeated your parents," she said, looking unhinged.

"What about your mate? It shouldn't matter who he was, you should've loved him all the same," Ethan put his arm on my shoulder and rubbed it, making me feel a little better.

"I did love him, at some point. But he was against me helping Pedro. He was such a hurdle, so I got rid of him," my jaw dropped open and I stared at her for a good few minutes.

How could she?! She didn't go mad after killing him because she was a witch.

"How c-could you?! What d-did he ever d-do to you?!" I didn't realize that I screamed that at her while she started to laugh and Ethan blocked the view by standing in front of me.

The guards came back as my mind started to calm down. She killed so many innocent people, she needed to be killed.

"E-Ethan, I think w-we should k-k-kill her," I said, bundling his shirt in my hands as tears started to fall.

I didn't want to do this, I really didn't but this needed to be done.

"Whatever you say, baby," he whispered, guiding me back to where we came from and upon reaching the open air, I felt a little better.

I wasn't guilty, but I certainly felt sorry for Ben and Leah. They didn't deserve any of this but Leah told me that Karen was dead to them. Even if we had kept her alive, they didn't want to accept her and she clearly wasn't going to repent.

"Make i-it painless, please," I whispered to Ethan as we entered the packhouse and he nodded.


*5 Years Later*

"Justin!" I called from the kitchen and soon heard two pairs of legs coming downstairs.

We had decided to move out of the packhouse and that was a good move because now we have four pups.

With all the duties as a pack leader and a mother, I can't rest for even a moment.

"Yes, mommy?" Justin had brown hair and silver eyes with a sparkle in them just like his father. He was a handsome young man and definitely took after his father with some tidbits of me.

"Can y-you tell me why h-half a bowl o-of ice cream is m-missing?" I raised an eyebrow at him and he looked down, guilty.

"I wanted to ask first but...Mandy ate it with me!" His eyes wide and he looked so adorable pointing behind him where a little cutie stood, her hands behind her back and eyes cast down.

Her red locks sheilded her face and I just couldn't find it in me to stay mad. I sighed and crouched down to their level.

"I'm sorry, mommy," Amanda, the little angel said as she looked up at me with her beautiful yellow eyes and I instantly melted.

"I-I'm sorry, too," Justin said, melting me even further.

"I-It's ok, but y-you shouldn't go b-behind my back l-like this. You sh-should ask me f-first even if y-you're scared of g-getting scolded," I stroked their faces and they nodded, making me smile softly.

"Big Blo! Daddy blought some choco," a little ball of energy entered the kitchen, jumping up and down and Justin's eyes lit up along with Mandy's.

"Let's go, Leo!" They both ran out behind little Leo and I went back to making dinner.

Strong arms wrapped around my waist and Ethan leaned down to kiss me softly.

"This is the life, baby. Coming home to you and the kids is the most amazing feeling in the world," he sighed softly and I turned around in his arms.

"I c-can imagine," I grinned up at him as our four pups crowded the kitchen, faces covered in chocolate.

"Mommy," Cleo tugged at my jeans and I crouched down. She reached the chocolate to my face and I took the smallest of bites, not wanting to lessen her fun.

"I-It's so yummy, d-darling," I kissed the top of her head and she ran back to her siblings, laughing.

"I love you, always, baby," Ethan whispered in my ear, his hand on my waist and I grinned big.

"I-I love you, t-too, so much."

This was it. I had found my place, my safe heaven.

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