chapter nine

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When she got back, not only was she tired but Morgan was asleep in bed. Changing into his Knoxville shirt and climbing into bed, she made sure not to wake him up. His mouth slightly parted as he snored made her laugh as she spooned him. As he stirred in his sleep, she felt his arm wrap around hers and squeeze a little making her heart swoon.

The first thing she woke up to was the smell of pancakes. Yawning and walking out, she snuck up behind him and wrapped her arms around him making him flinch and drop the whisk in the bowl, "Laney!".

She just held him close nuzzling her head into his shirt, "I don't like when I wake up and you're already out of bed".

He paid her no attention before proceeding to continue whisking according to the instructions from a Martha Stewart recipe he had pulled up, but she wasn't surprised. Morgan needed instructions for practically any cooking minus the grill. He grabbed the ladle as she still clung to him and proceeded to make a pancake on the pan before turning around to face her as it cooked, "I was trying to surprise you with breakfast in bed".

She smiled observing his face, "You have been awfully sweet".

He grinned, "It's because you're pregnant".

She slapped his side making him let out a little "hey" as she stepped away, "You should be sweet even when I'm not pregnant. Speaking of, did you tell Thomas?".

He nodded, "Him and Lauren are much better now so I told them and asked him for his fatherly advice. I'm nervous now".

"Babe you and I are going to give this kid the best life possible," she reassured him, "I still want a girl".

He playfully rolled his eyes before flipping the pancake and hugging her, swaying side to side with her in his arms, "How was New York?".

Laney pulled away before squealing making him watch in amusement as she began to spill everything. She was waiting for him to ask, she told him about the design and theatrics, Alexander's office, and how she would have to go back for fittings.

"I looked this thing up, people really do go all out. Especially Gaga. Are you nervous about your interviews? I can help you prepare," he casually said. This is exactly why he gets her.

"I'm going to look like a queen I swear. I'm a little nervous, there's going to be a lot of interviewers but Alexander said he would be with me the whole night," Laney spoke with confidence, "I'm going to speak from the heart".

"Alexander huh?" Morgan jealously asked as he began to stack pancakes.

Laney had never seen him get jealous like this but it was funny, "Are you jealous?".

"Jealous a little. Threatened no. If this Alexander tries anything I will come with my shotgun-"

"Babe. Alexander is a 67-year-old man with no intention of doing anything like that," Laney laughed at his threats while he ladled more pancakes on the stovetop.

"Oh," he said, "Well he got lucky then".

He handed her a plate of a weirdly shaped pancake with some blueberries and strawberries, "Thanks" Laney spoke taking a bite.

He paused waiting for her reaction and she looked up, "These are actually good Morgan. I'm really proud. Why are they shaped like this though?".

"Stop it I was trying to make a heart," he said as they both began to laugh at the sight of the pancake.

Both of them are together as Morgan explains the problem with the pool cover and how he and Thomas were attempting to fix it. Laney listened intently as he began to explain his ideas for the nursery room and painting the wall yellow before knowing the gender and then making it a certain theme. He recommended a music-themed room while Laney recommended a space-themed room and the two began to debate which one was better.

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