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Me: Sam I know it's late but I need you right now.

Sam: What's wrong babe?

Me: My parents are fighting and I don't know what to do.

Sam: You can't do anything babe. I know it's hard but you just have to drown out the sound. Put head phones in and listen to my music.

Me: It's not loud enough.

Sam: I'm calling you!

•the phone rings until she picks up•

"Hello?" She asks in a soft voice that only he could hear.

"Are you alright?" He asks her.

Adrenalin rushed through her body as Sam kept speaking. Could it be he really loved her.

"You fucking idiot! Why do you always have to mess shit up?!" He heard a distant yell over the phone.

"Why do I mess shit up?!? How about you be a fucking father to your child instead of coming home drunk all the fucking time?!" He heard again.

"Logan you need to get out of there." He said to her.

"I can't Sam. I have no where else to go." She cried. Sniffling, panting, he could hardly hear what she was saying.

"Just go outside. Cool down." He told her.

"My dad won't let me." She said back.

"And you come home and fucking hit her?! Oh yeah that's real fucking parenting right." He heard again.

"He hits you?!" He asked her.

She was quiet.

"Logan?!" He said again.

No answer.

"You little piece of shit! You see what you do to me and your mom? This is your fault! You ruin everything and your not even a good daughter!" Her father yelled.

As more words spat out the more louder he got.

"Dad, please! I'm sorry!" Logan said.

"DAD NO! PLEASE!" She screamed.

"LOGAN! GET OUT OF THAT HOUSE!" Sam yelled one last time.

*line dead*

Idk if I like this.

Comment what you think.


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