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-Logan's POV-

"Has he texted you at all today?" My best friend Nicole asked.

"No not today but-" Just then I was cut off by my phone going off.

"Is that him?" She asked.

I nodded reading the message.

"Are you gonna forgive him?" She asked me again.

"I don't know. I love him, but when he said that it just broken heart." I said with tears in my eyes.

"I know babe. But maybe you should see why he did it?" She suggested.

"Yeah I guess." I said texting him back.

"Okay well the game starts in 2 hours so let's go eat and start getting ready." She said rubbing small circles on my back.

"I love you babe." I said smiling and hugging her really big.

"I love you more bæ." She said hugging me tighter.

I turned my phone off and started getting ready.



I got so many covers for my book it was hard to to pick!


I had to pick one.

The thing is tho is that the girl who made it never gave me her wattpad name.

So if you see your cover just message me on here and I'll have you pick between a shout of for your account or a shout out for your book! (If you're writing one)

Anyways, love you my lovelies💗

-Deja ⚓️💗

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