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•Nicole's POV•

He's so hot! OMFG!

I can't believe Nate Maloley is right in front of me and... I'm not freaking out?


"Hello baby girl." He said kissing the top of my hand.

"Hi." I smiled nervously while putting a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Alright let's get going." Sam says.

"What? You guys are leaving?!" Logan asked, grabbing Sams hand pulling him towards her.

"Well yeah. We can't just stay here." He said.

"Oh." She said looking down at the ground.

"No! Not leaving Montreal. Well not yet. I meant leave the soccer field." He said lifting up her chin making her look at him.

They stared at each other for as couple second until he leaned in. But as soon as he was about to kiss her, she turned her head and his lips hit her cheek.

"Sam, I'm sorry. Just not yet." She said giving him a worried look.

"I understand. It's fine. Whenever you're ready." He said smiling at her.

I look at Nate and notice he's starring at me. I blush and look around.

This week should be fun.


Sorry my chapters are short😕

I'm loosing ideas. If you guys have any feel free to message me them.

I'll give you credit💗

Love you my lovelies😚


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