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Logan's POV•

Why is my mom on my phone?

Oh my god.

What if Sam texted me?

Would she text him back?

"What is your mom doing on your phone?" Nicole said to me as we passed the ball back and forth warming up before the game.

"I don't know. Hopefully not texting Sam. Did I tell you what he's doing!?" I said stopping the ball.

"Uhm no. But Logan I think I know what you're gonna say. Look behind you." She said looking behind me with wide eyes.

I turn around and see two guys infront of my mom. I can't make out who they are with their backs turned to me.

"Who is-" I started to say until the one in a white shirt turned around and saw who it was.

Sammy Wilkinson.


Short chapter but it's worth it for the next one😏

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