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*Skip the game*

•Logan's POV•

By the end of the game me and Nicole were the only ones to score goals.

We won by many, the score was,


I'm pretty sure they were a beginning team cuz coach said go easy on them. But I wasn't gonna let our team lose.

During the game I saw Sam taking videos. Probably on snapchat. Every time I got taken out of the game, Sam would come over and bring me water and food.

Right now the game is over but the coach is talking to us about how good we were today and when the next practice was.

"Alright team, good game. Remember next practice is in three days. See ya guys later." Coach said.

"Dude! Dude! Dude!" Nicole said freaking out cuz Sam and Skate were walking towards us with my mom trailing behind.

"Bruh calm down!" I aid laughing. "Act normal."

"Okay and introduce me! And say Nikki not Nicole." She scowled at me. She hates that I call her by her real name.

"Fine." I said rolling my eyes.

"Hey babe." Sam said putting his arms around my waist.

"Ew no. I'm all sweaty." I said making a disgusted face.

"I'm gonna be the one making you sweaty tonight." He whispered in my ear while smirking.

"Sam!" I yelped. "My mother is right there!"

He shrugged.

I noticed that Nicole and Skate were just standing there awkwardly.

"Oh! Right. Skate this is Nikki. My best friend." I said.

He looked at Sam and they both smiled.


Sorry for such a late update guys!

Only one chapter today. Maybe two next time.

Love you my lovelies💞


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