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-Sam's POV-

"Dude, have you asked her where she lives yet?" Skate asked me.

Couldn't he get seated somewhere else?

"No. You know you annoy the fuck out of me sometimes right?" I said.

"Yes. I know that very well." he said with a smirk on his face. :But you still love me."

"You're acting like we're girls." I laughed.

"Shut up." He said playfully punching my arm.

We both laughed.

"You nervous?" he asked.

"Yes very." I said rubbing my hands together in a nervous matter.

"Well you might as well text her now so we know where to go when we get there." he said getting comfortable in his seat.

I pulled out my phone and texted her.

We were taking off so I buckled me seat belt and got ready for the plane ride to meet



Hey guys! How are you my lovelies!?!💗

Anyways you all know I changed my cover and the winner is


Make sure to go read her book Lifegard.

And follow her😏☺️

Love you guys💗

Vote and comment💕


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