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Sam: Logan?

Me: Sam.

Sam: What happened last night?

Me: Just the typical.

Sam: That shouldn't be a daily thing Logan.

Me: I'm sorry for calling you.

Sam: No I'm glad you did.

Me: Oh.

Sam: God I hope your okay.

Me: Sam? Can you like no treat me different? Like pretend that never happened?

Sam: If that's what you want. But you can always come to me if you need something again.

Me: Thank you Sammy.

Sam: I love you Logan.

Me: I love you Sam.

Sam: I'm glad.

Me: Me to.


I'm gonna start doing phone calls with them to! I don't know if I'm gonna keep the book small and do like 2 more books or if I should just keep this one long?

Comment what you think.


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