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•Sam's POV•

The car ride to Logans house wasnt that long. And I guess Nikki's house was about 2 blocks away.

"Hey what do you guys want to eat?" Mina asked.

Right now we are inside Logans house watching some chick flick.

"Pizza. Is that okay with you guys?" Logan asks us. Shes sitting on the other side of the couch. So far away from me.

"Yeah thats fine with me." I said looking back at the tv.


"Yeah im cool with it" Nate said.

"Me to." Nikki said.

"Okay pizza it is then" Mina said going back in the kitchen.

This house is huge for two people. I wonder what she does for work. Speaking of work, where is her dad? I have a hand full of stuff to give him.

I'll ask later tonight.

"Sam?" Logan asked.

"Oh, huh?" I said looking at her.

"I said your name about six times." She said frowning.

"Sorry." I said.

"Sam." She said more sternly making me look at her. She was patting the stop next to her indicating me to sit next to her.

So i did. I got up and sat as close to her as i could. She cuddled into my body as i put my arm around her shoulders.

"What were you thinking about?" She asked looking into my eyes.

"Its nothing." I said.

"Sam c'mon. It was obviously something." She pushed.

"Its not necessary right now. I'll tell you later." I said to her.

She nodded and looked down with a slight frown on her face.

I pulled her chin up so she was looking into my eyes.

"Hey babe, its nothing bad. I promise you that." I said.

"Okay. I believe you." She smiled and looked back at the tv.

God. Shes so damn beautiful. I wish i could just stay like this forever. With her in my arms.

"Aright guys im gonna get going. Pizza is on its way. Money is on the counter." Mina said.

"Okay bye mom." Logan said.

"And no funny buisness. I mean it." She said pointing to me and Logan.

I just smirked.

"MOM!" Logan yelled.

"Just saying. Condoms are in my room." Her mom said laughing while walking out the door.

"Oh my god." Logan said turning red as a tomato.

I just started laughing.

"Shut up." She said hitting my arm.

"So. What do we do now?" Nate asked.

"I have an idea." Logan said picking up her phone.

What is she doing?


Cliff hanger😱

Guess you guys are just gonna have to wait till Monday💁

I start school on Tuesday so wish me luck.😳

Love you my lovelies💞


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