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•Logan's POV•

This is the first time I actually thought about going to a club but you know what?

Sammy Wilkinson asked me for nudes, I won my soccer game, and he is here with me.

Good reason to celebrate right?


"Alright smile." Andy said taking my picture for the ID.

"Okay well that should be all good! Let me scan it and we will see, he said.

"Alright." Sam said.

He scanned the card and it beeped as if saying the card was good.

"Okay well here is your guys's cards. Have fun." He said smiling.

His teeth were perfect. They were pure white and his smile melted my heart.

"Andy have I ever told you that your face is gorgeous?" I said just starring.

"Thanks hun." He said smiling more.

I cringed. Oh god.

"Okay let's get going Karina." Nicole said in a plain stern voice.

I gave her a weird look and she nodded her head towards Sam. He was looking at his hands.

Is he really that jealous?

"Okay. Let's go." I said grabbing Sam's hand at smiling at him.

An we left for the night club.


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