Chapter 22: guard

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I arrived at the booth, surprised to see Sunghoon already there, arranging supplies and decorations. He looked up and smiled warmly when he saw me.

"Good morning, Jungwon! You're early."

"Yeah, thought I'd come help out. The fair starts in an hour, right?"

"Yep. We still have some time to get everything ready," he said, gesturing for me to join him.

As we worked, Sunghoon seemed to take it upon himself to make sure I was comfortable.

"Here, have some breakfast," he said, holding up a sandwich to my mouth.

I blinked, a bit taken aback. "You're going to feed me?"

He chuckled. "Why not? You need to keep your energy up."

I laughed and took a bite, feeling the comforting warmth of his care. "Thanks."

"Someone has to look out for you," he said, ruffling my hair affectionately.

The morning sunlight bathed the fairgrounds in a golden hue, and the scent of fresh flowers mixed with the crisp morning air. he continued to worry over me, feeding me bites of food and making sure I stayed hydrated. Each gesture felt like a warm embrace, making me feel cherished.

"Drink some water," he said, holding a bottle to my lips. "Can't have you getting dehydrated."

I took a sip, enjoying the pampering. "Alright, alright. You're going to spoil me."

He grinned. "That's the plan."

As we continued setting up, he held out another piece of the sandwich. "Open up," he said, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

I obliged, feeling a bit shy under his attentive gaze. "You're too good to me," I mumbled, chewing.

"Just making sure you're well taken care of," he replied, brushing a crumb off my cheek.

As I glanced around the fairgrounds I spotted Jay in the distance. He looked bothered, or rather, annoyed. I couldn't place why, but decided to ignore him. he noticed my distraction and followed my gaze.

"Don't let him bother you," he said softly, his tone protective.

"I'm not. Let's just focus on getting everything ready," I said, trying to brush it off.

Sunghoon nodded, then picked up a piece of fruit. "Here, try this," he said, holding it to my lips again.

I opened my mouth, letting him feed me. "Thanks," I murmured, feeling a bit self conscious but grateful for his care.

As the morning progressed, his attention never wavered. He made sure I was comfortable, fed, and hydrated. At one point, he even pulled out a small towel to wipe a smudge of dirt off my cheek. 

"There, all clean. Can't have you looking anything less than perfect," he said with a smile that made my heart flutter.

"Thanks," I mumbled, feeling a bit shy under his affectionate gaze.

The fairgrounds began to fill with people, and our booth was finally ready. I took a step back to admire our work, feeling a sense of accomplishment.

"We did a great job," I said, looking at Sunghoon with a smile.

He nodded, giving me a warm smile in return. "Yeah, we did. Now let's wait and enjoy the fair."

As the afternoon sun cast a golden glow, the scene was vibrant and full of life. The different booths, each uniquely decorated, lined the pathways, creating different colors that caught the eye. Students laughter and the hum of conversations filled the air, mingling with the distant strains of music from a nearby stage.

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