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"Hello?" 9 year old Brooklyn called out, she was scared, she had been told to stay in her bedroom, but could she help her mom and step dad?

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"Hello?" 9 year old Brooklyn called out, she was scared, she had been told to stay in her bedroom, but could she help her mom and step dad?

Brooklyn opened her bedroom door open slowly, and she wanted to help her parents.

She saw a man in all black holding a gun to her mom's head with one hand, and, on the other hand, the man was holding a bloody knife

Wait, where was her stepdad?

Brooklyn knew she had to call 911, but she left her phone in her parents' bedroom, that was across the hall, and one wrong move, and who knows what would happen.

Luckily, both her mom and the mysterious man hadn't noticed her yet.

Brooklyn started slowly and quietly walking backward toward her parents' bedroom.

She was almost at their bedroom when they floor creeked.

The man looked toward the frightened Brooklyn.

The man had a black mask on and could only see his eyes.

"You weren't supposed to be here!" The man yelled and started running toward Brooklyn with both weapons in hand.

Brooklyn quickly ran into her parents' bedroom, quickly shut the door, and locked it.

The man was banging on the door and yelling at her to open up.

Brooklyn quickly pushed the dresser toward the door, blocking him from getting in, and then she found her phone on her parents' bed.

She quickly dialed 911.

"911, what's your emergency," the person said through the phone.

"There's a man with two weapons in my house. He's trying to kill my parents, please hurry," Brooklyn said in a fright.

"Alright, and where do you live?" The person on the phone said.

Brooklyn gave her house address.

"Alright, the police are on their way."

"Thank you." Wait a minute, he wasn't slamming on the door anymore, what was happening.

Then Brooklyn heard the most horrifying thing she'd ever heard, a gunshot.

Her mom was dead.

Brooklyn started to cry.

Then another gunshot went off, and it went right through the door of the bedroom she was in.

Brooklyn screamed.

Then she heard sirens.

Brooklyn looked out the wondow, it was the police.

"Oh my god," Brooklyn said, relived.

"I'm still here," the man said, startling Brooklyn startle.

"But the police are right outside," Brooklyn said.

"Oh, I know," he said and shot at me.

The bullet hit her stomach

She screamed as she fell, it hurt a lot.

"Bye," the man said and disappeared.


The BAU has been trying to track this still unknown guy for a while now, and a report had come in that he was in the house that we were standing in front of.

They went into the house as a group.

Derek went to the hallway first. There was a closed door at the end of the hallway with two bullet holes in the door.

Derek banged on the door, "Hello, anyone!"

"I'm here," a little girls voice said.

Derek tried to open the door but failed.

"Is there an object blocking the door?" Derek asked the girl who helped and couldn't see.

"Yeah, a dresser," she replied back.

"Could you please move the dresser."

"I can't, I got shot."

Well, this was an issue.

"Hey guys, come help me with this door!" Derek yelled.

A few memeber, Spencer, and Emily helped knock the door open.

They used an object from nearby in the house. It was a pretty big house.

When the door slammed open, they we saw the little girl who had called 911.

She was bleeding a lot on the floor, shockingly still conscious.

"I'll go get the ambulance. You two comfort her," Derek said and ran to get the E.M.T's.

Spencer and Jennifer went by the girls' side.

"You're gonna be okay," Jennifer said.


She barely knew what was happening, they world was blurry, black spots were appearing in Brooklyns vision, the door had been broken down, and two people went by her side, but she could barely hear them.

The girl said something, but Brooklyn couldn't understand. Her pain was too much, and she tried her hardest not to pass out.

Then Brooklyn saw some new people running toward her side, shouting things.

Brooklyn couldn't keep consciousness anymore. She let herself pass out.

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