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The E

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The E.M.T's were bringing the little girl to the hospital.

The BAU had been trying to find a group of people who killed others for fun. Usually, the murders were of richer people, and they still had no clue why.

They were investigating the home, which seemed like a decent home if it wasn't for the murder that just took place.

It seemed that the mother had been shot, and the father had been stabbed. There wasn't much evidence just looking at them.

We would get good evidence and identity on what happened when the little girl was out of surgery and in the hospital.

They had looked, and there were no security cameras except for outside.

"We just gotta wait till the girl is in enough health to tell us what happened, I guess," Rossi said to the rest of the team.

"Yeah, that'll be how long," JJ said.

"Day or two, give or take," Rossi said.

"Alright, let's head back and see if we can find anything."


The E.M.T's had brought Brooklyn to the hospital, just as Brookyln awoke slightly.

"Huh?" She said barely a whisper, her stomach still hurt really, really bad.

I looked to see doctors and nurses, bright lights, shouting, talking galore, it was overwhelming.

Then she felt a little prick in her arm, and then she fainted.

They performed surgery on Brooklyn to get the bullet out of her stomach.


The team was trying to figure out this case. They had Penelope on a video call through a tablet.

Penelope had figured the parents' name, the mothers name was Chelsea Sullivan.

"And what was the fathers name?" Derek asked.

Penelope typed in her keyboard.

"Uh, she had a stepfather. His name was James Sullivan," She said.

"Whos the biological father?" Spencer asks.

Penelope types on her keyboard some more.

"Oh, um.... the.. the biological father is -" Then a phone goes off.

Hotchner answered the phone.

When he hung up the phone, he said, "Morgan, Reid, you're heading to the hospital to get info from Brooklyn Sullivan."

"Okay," Morgan said, and the two headed out of the office.


Brookyln had just woken up. She was in what seemed like the same place as before. The lights weren't as bright anymore.

She looked at her arm and saw something sticking in her arm.

She tried to pull it out, but then someone came into the room. They were a grown woman.

"Hey, you awake, no pulling that IV out, anyways, I'm Doctor Carter, you just had surgery, and someone you know wants to see you, is it okay if she comes in here?" The doctor said.

"Who is it?"

"Her name is Leah Driscoll."

"Oh, yeah, she can come in."

The doctor left the room, and a few moments later, Leah came into the room.

"Hi Brook!" Leah said.

Brook was the nickname she was called by all of her friends and family.

"Hi!" Brooklyn was smiling for the first time since she woke up, which wasn't too long ago.

Brookyln was just happy to see her best friend, even after everything she just went through.

The two talked for like 20 minutes about everything, minus the fact that she got shot.

Then the doctor came back in.

"Brooklyn, some F.B.I. agents want to see you," she said.

Brooklyn sighed, "Okay."

The doctor then brought Leah out of the room, and two people came in.

She recognized them from the incident. They were the ones to help get the door open.

"Brookyln Sullivan, correct?" One of them asks.

I nodded.

"I'm Agent Derek Morgan, and this is Dr. Spencer Reid," Derek said.

"So, uh, sorry to bring this up cause, it like just happened, but what was happening," Spencer asks.

Brooklyn took a deep breath and explained what she saw. The two seemed to listen to her words very carefully to try and understand what happened.


Back at the office, the team, minus Spencer and Derek, were trying to figure out the case.

After the two left, Rossi asks Penelope, "Who was the biological father?"

"Uh.. um.. it's uh.. sp-" Penelope struggles to say the name. She seems shook.

"Garcia, who is it?" Hotchner says.

"S- Spencer."

"Wait, like, the Spencer Reid we know?" JJ asks.


The team was in shock. Why did Spencer have a child and keep it a secret from them.

"Oh my Gosh," Prentiss said in pure shock.


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