Intern (Jane/Ryan) - I am my husband's intern

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Author's note: Starting July with Jane and Ryan and new miniseries. Part 1/??

From the second he stepped into the building Ryan couldn't focus. His eyes searched for that person, but he couldn't find him. He shook his head and continued walking towards the reception. Sitting between the other internship applicants Ryan felt like an alien. They all seem so interested in the ad and film making unlike him. As time flew by, the interns disappeared with the company staff. Now, only he and a scary-looking girl were left.

"You two come with me." The tall woman commanded, leading them up the stairs. Ryan wasn't sure if the finance department resided there, but he couldn't say anything. When the woman opened the glass door for them, Ryan felt even more confused. He sat on the chair before the funny-looking man and scanned the office. Something was wrong here. The winning awards and the photos on the wall were the clear indicators. 

"I want to be a director." The girl said, and Ryan turned to her in shock.

"Your references are good. You have many awards for student films." The man nodded and turned his attention to him. Ryan gulped down an invisible saliva. How could he say that he didn't apply for this position without being rude?

"Annand? You don't look like you in the photo. Did you edit it?" 

"It's not my resume. My name is Ryan." He managed to say. The interviewer frowned before he picked up the phone to yell at the person responsible. Ryan flinched, startled by the sudden shouting. The rustling and gasp from the other side of the table caught his attention. He glanced in that direction, and his eyes widened. He was indeed in the wrong place. The person he had been searching for earlier was hidden behind the open notebook: Jane, his fiance and assistant director. 

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