Order (Pick/Rome) - In the wilderness

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Author's note: Part 7/??

Pick's POV

Pick couldn't concentrate. His mind swirled with pictures of Rome: injured, scared, fighting with Din, and many more. He was panicking not knowing what to do first. Pack his bag? Call the police? Inform Park Rangers? Should he leave immediately? 

The ringing of his phone startled him. Pick grabbed the device, answering the call, hoping to hear Rome again.

"Hey, my dear friend." Porsche's voice came through instead. Pick made a hopeless groan. 

"You don't have to sound so happy."

"What do you want." Pick snapped, annoyed that Porsche was delaying his departure. 

"Did you talk with Rome today? Emma has been unable to contact him for a while now, and she's panicking." Pick froze for a moment. The gravity of the situation suddenly felt even more severe.

"He's not okay. That fucker Din attacked him, and I think he ran away to the forest." Pick blurted out. 

"What?" He ignored Porsche's confusion and continued rambling. 

"I need to find him. He's alone, lost and in danger..." His legs felt weak and he had to sit on the bed before he collapsed. 

"What should I do Porsche... What if..." A sob escaped his mouth. He was on the verge of a breakdown. 

"Take a deep breath. Get yourself together. Rome needs his strong P'Pick now. " Porsche's words were like a slap in the face.

"Pack your things. I am going to call the Park Rangers and inform Emma. Pick me up in 20 minutes. We are going to find him." Porsche ordered him. Pick hummed in agreement before ending the call. Although Porsche often seemed childish, he was efficient and a good leader. He knew what to do and never panicked, unlike Pick. He was glad to have him as a best friend.

Standing up, Pick started stuffing his backpack with things he thought they would need. 

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