Senior (Pat/Non) - Behind the wall

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Author's note: Part 34/??

Nonsee stared at the open closet, thinking. He didn't have many clothes but was still reluctant to put them in the bag. The empty rack felt like he would never come back, and it was something he didn't want. He came to love this place. Non grabbed the yellow shirt Pat brought for him from the latest trip to the city and held it against his chest. He could feel the tears pooling in his eyes, and he tried to stop them. There was nothing to cry over. 

"Are you ready?" Pat came into the room. Non put on a smile, turning to his boyfriend. 

"I don't know what to pack." He admitted shyly. Pat's face lit up with a smile. 

"You don't need anything." Pat took the shirt from him and put it back inside. 

"We will be back soon." He added. Non tilted his head to the side confusedly. 

"We are not staying there?" 

"No, my fairy. Grandma Chor has everything prepared for us." Pat kissed Nonsee's forehead lovingly. 

"Okay. I trust Grandma Chor, but I am still a bit unsure. What if Mother..."

"Don't worry.  Your grandma can be a scary senior if she wants." Pat took Nonsee's hand and pulled him towards the door. 

"If you say so, Phi." Non couldn't help but laugh. 

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