Memo (Sean/White) - Doctor White

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Author's note: Part 74/??

Gram and Black appeared a little later. White didn't want to know what took them so long because his anxiety started to get the best of him. He was glad to have Sean by his side, though. His presence made him feel safe almost the same way as Black's did. 

"Now, that we are all here, you can talk Dan," Gumpa ordered. The police officer straightened his back, glancing at White. 

"The report from the man following Todd said some worrying stuff. He met your father yesterday at his penthouse." 

The soft gasp escaped White's mouth. Sean immediately pulled him closer and White was glad he could lean on him. 

"He managed to sneak inside as a part of the cleaners." Dan pulled out his phone, taping at it before he showed it to them. A static noise echoed through the speaker before the two familiar voices appeared. 

"So he's with Black?" Adul asked.

"Yes and his little gang," Todd answered. The glass clinging interrupted their discussion and White could imagine Todd serving his father a glass of his expensive Scotch.

"Do you know where they are? I want my son back." Adul's voice was cold as ice.

"What are you taking me for, father-in-law?" Todd's laugh echoed through the room. White closed his eyes in fear. He got the memo like everyone in the kitchen. Todd knew where they were and he would come for him. 

"I want him back, Todd. He belongs to me. Bring him home as you promised." Adul said. 

"Of course, don't worry. But let me correct you." There was a small pause as Todd moved around. 

"White belongs to me." The recording ended, leaving the house in silence. White felt like crying again. This was an utter nightmare. 

"I know it's scary, White. But we can use this as an opportunity." Dan proposed. 

"Dan is right. We can get Todd this way. He doesn't know that we are aware of his next move." Gumpa agreed. 

"Are you fucking kidding me? You want to use my baby brother as a bite?!"Black sprang to his feet, causing the chair to crash to the floor with a loud thud. 

"We will be prepared, Black. Nothing will happen to him." Dan assured him. 

"No way in hell! I am not going to allow it!" Black argued. 

"It's not up to you, Black. Let White decide." Gumpa looked at him. White felt the gang's eyes on him. He was terrified, shivering in Sean's embrace. But maybe this time, he could be brave. Perhaps this time, he could stand up to his father for real.

"Let's do it." He whispered. 

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