Office (Khai/Third) - Behind the curtain

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Author's note: Part 4/??

Third arrived home late at night. The apartment he rented wasn't far from the theatre. It was small but with a nice view of the now-sleeping city. He could easily afford to buy a nice house in the wealthier part of the city, but he wasn't quite sure how long he would stay. It was better not to commit himself to one place until his mind settled. When Shane called him, he was determined to stay in Thailand as long as possible, maybe even stay here for good. But the reunion changed it all. Third, tossed the keys on the small plate beside the door, and took off his shoes. He trudged into the living room and slumped beside the French window leading to the balcony. He observed his pitiful reflection in the glass, allowing his mind to drift.

"Third is in love with you." Two's voice echoed through the small restroom. 

"No way." Khai denied. 

"I told you so." Bone joined them. 

"We are just friends. I may be bisexual, but Third is my best friend. I don't do friends." Khai dismissed the idea immediately. 

"Then test him, and you will see." Bone and Two suggested, and Third couldn't handle it anymore. He turned around and left the place with tears streaming down his face. 

The memory and the pain still lingered even after the years. Why was it so hard to forget? To forgive? Third, wiped the lonely tear and stood up. He had to get himself back together. There was much more waiting for him tomorrow than just sitting in his office and writing the script. Khai was assigned to show him the rest of the theatre and properly introduce him to his team. 

And Third had to steel his heart once and for all. 

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