Fault (Sean/White & Black) - White's guide to taming his loved ones

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Author's note: Part 13/??

The sleep didn't last long. Black's arrival woke him up yet he didn't want to open his eyes. The warmth of Sean's body kept him comfortable. 

"How's he?" Black whispered. White was surprised that his brother didn't yell at his boyfriend. 

"He fell asleep. His temperature is still the same, though." Sean answered with the same gentleness as the tip of his fingers moved the stray hair out of his eyes.

"We should wake him up. He needs to take the medicine." Black shuffled around. White heard rustling from the small kitchenette before his brother came back. The mattress sunk at the other side of the bed, surprising him. White didn't expect his brother to join them on the bed. Nothing happened for a while, so White thought he should open his eyes.

"Why can't we get along, Black?" Sean's voice resounded through the tiny apartment. 

"I don't know. You just push all my buttons only with your face." Black shrugged. White heard his boyfriend snort. 

"The feeling is mutual. Can't we at least try for White?" Sean asked. The groan coming from his brother didn't sound as offensive as White had expected. 

"He thinks it's his fault. I hate that he believes that." Sean continued talking. 

"I don't want to wake up one day to find White gone because of us."

"It won't happen. White would never leave us." Black's voice cracked. White could feel the uncertainty and fear spreading through their bond. He couldn't bear it anymore. Letting out a soft moan, he stirred in Sean's embrace, opening his eyes slowly, pretending he had just woken up. 

"Sean? P'Black?" He blinked the fake sleepiness away. 

"Hello, baby. How are you feeling?" Sean smiled at him.

"Tired," White answered honestly. 

"Take this." Black leaned closer, entering his field of vision and handed him the pill. White didn't protest. He could use his pitiful state to his advantage and convince his brother and boyfriend to move in together. And maybe after that, they could finally get along. 

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