Affair (Khai/Third) - Behind the curtain

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Author's note: Part 5/??

Third, stared blankly at the coffee mug. The liquid inside was getting cold, but he couldn't drink it. The anxiety was so intense that he could barely take a sip. After placing the full cup in the sink, Third left his apartment. There was no point in prolonging this torture.
The theatre building soon appeared before him, and he regretted for a brief moment living so close.

"Good morning, Third." Khai's melodious voice started him. If he remembered correctly, Khai was a sleeper. He never got up early, so Third ended up pulling him out of bed by the ear every morning. 

"Morning." He replied dryly. 

"You are here early." He added when his curiosity won over the urge to escape. 

"I am usually here at this time." Khai shrugged, and Third couldn't hide his surprise. 

"You used to hate waking up early." Third commented. Khai's face lit up and Third had to look away. The shine in his ex-best friend's eyes made his heart race. 

"I am not like that anymore." Khai walked closer to him. "I changed." 

Third scoffed, not sparing him a glance. Khai could say anything he wanted, but he knew his stuff. People didn't change, especially a person like Khai, the notorious womanizer and lazy bum. 

"People can change, you know?" Khai frowned. 

"Whatever." Third shook his head, dismissing Khai's attempt to talk to him.

"I am not who I used to be, Third." Khai continued speaking as they walked inside the building. Third didn't want to listen. He didn't care if Khai didn't have an affair for years or if he woke up early now. He just wanted to work in peace without getting his heart broken again. 

"Look, Khai. I don't care whether you change or not. I am here to direct and write scripts. And I would appreciate it if you stop talking to me unless it's about work." Third glared at him and hurried to his office, leaving stunned Khai behind. As soon as the door closed behind him, he collapsed on the floor, burying his head into his palms. He didn't intend to be this harsh, and it hurt him immensely, but he didn't see any other way to get Khai off his back. 

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