Catching Up

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••Nina's Pov••

Dear diary,

Ian got me this diary as a wedding gift and I still haven't been writing it, but I will start.

These past few months have been absolutely wonderful.

Harlow, is now 5 months old. Growing extremely fast. She can sit up, grab and hold her toys, she's really talkative but of course with only baby babble. She weighs 15 pounds and is 25 inches long. She is starting to look more like me, but I still see some of Ian in her. She is such a mamas girl. She enjoys laughing, drooling, daddy's silly faces, pulling mommy's hair, her solid foods, coconut ice cream, her stuffed bunny, music, and likes to watch Lynx. She doesn't like loud noises, getting shots, bath time, being left alone in a room (so you can probably imagine trying to get cleaning done.), and tummy time. We probably won't have a crawler for a long time for that reason.

Ian and I are in the middle of filming for season four of The Vampire Diaries. We have tons of interviews and talk shows coming up. We are attending comic con in France in a few weeks too. Which we are very excited about.

Nothing has changed with us. We still and will always be madly in love with each other. Still lots of sex. We decided to not have another baby for awhile so I'm on birth control until we decide we want another baby.

Speaking of babies. Phoebe is 8 months pregnant! Her and Paul both decided not to find out the sex of the baby until she gives birth. Crazy right? I could never do that. But just a few more weeks until we know!

But I should get going, Ian is on his way home from set and is expecting dinner. Yeah I've been taking cooking classes and Ian expects me to cook once a week. He finds it funny when I cook. Cause I'm a "beginner baby" as he calls it. He better be happy I don't burn the house down.

Till next time, Nina.

I close the diary and place it on the coffee table.

Harlow jumps in her play walker and giggles at Lynx jumping across the furniture.

I walk into the kitchen and pull the chicken casserole from the oven.

God that smells good.

I hope it tastes good.

Ian comes through the door from the garage.

"Hi baby!" He says to me and wraps his arms around me.

"That smells really good." He says.

"It just needs to cool down and then we can eat." I smile at him.

"Good." He smiles and kisses me.

"Julie wants us on set tomorrow at 9:00 am." Ian says and grabs a water from the fridge.

I nod okay to him.

I pick Harlow up from her walker and place her in her high chair.

She smiles up at Ian and I and kicks her little legs with excitement.

"How's daddy's little girl?" He kisses her cheek.

He starts making silly faces at her and she giggles uncontrollably.

I place a bowl in front of her and pour some baby food into it.

"Let me feed her fast and then we can eat." I say to Ian.

"That's fine, I'm going to go wash my face and hands." He kisses the top of my head.

"Buzzzzz.." I say as I fly the spoon towards harlows mouth.

She loves the sounds as she eats.

"Buzz.." I say and give her the last bite of food.

Ian places our plates on the table.

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