Dinner and a Movie

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•• Nina's pov ••

"Hi Julie! We're so happy you came!" I greet Julie at the front door.

"Thanks for inviting me! I love you guys, I've been so busy writing and stuff since the day after Christmas I haven't checked in on anyone! Your text made me happy!" Julie says and hugs me.

Ian walks into the door way and hugs her next.

"Let me see Harlow! I have her a late Christmas present." Julie says and holds up the gift bag.

"She's in the living room playing! Come on." I show her into the living room. I don't think Julie has been to the house since we moved in a year ago.

"Harlow! Aunt Julie is here!" I walk over and pick her up. She baby talks to me and shows me her toy.

"She is getting so big! It must make you guys feel so sad!" Julie says and plays with Harlow's hand.

"Merry Christmas you little babe!" Julie hands me the bag as I hand her Harlow to hold.

I open the bag and pull out a baby unicorn stuffed toy with Harlow's name sewed on it and below it says "mommy's unicorn".

"Julie! This is adorable!" I hold it up for Ian. He starts laughing and grabs it. Handing it to Harlow.

"I thought it would be a cute toy she could always keep." Julie smiles and bounces Harlow.

Ian walks back into the kitchen and puts our plates out on the table and than the food.

"Dinner is ready!" He says and taps the wine glass.

"Wine Julie?" He asks Julie.

"Just a little since I'm driving." She says.

Ian pours her and him some.

"No wine for you?" She asks.

"No." I smile.

Giving her the first hint.

"This looks delicious. Who's idea was it?" Julie asks in regards to the dinner.

"Nina's. She's been craving broccoli." Ian says. Giving her the second hint.

We begin eating our food.

"So Julie, is there anyway we can go ahead and do the finale episode scene where Zach and I will be underwater?" I ask her.

"Why? I'll have to get with the director on that too." She says.

"Well. Because in about 7 months I'm going to have a big round belly again and I won't be able to do that scene." I finally say.

Julie drops her fork on the plate and stares at me.

"What?" She says with a smile that I can't tell if it's a happy smile or what the fuck smile.

"Julie, Nina and I just found out about this." Ian says.

She looks at him and back at me.

"You're pregnant!" She throws her hands up and claps with excitement.

"That's great guys! Really! I'm happy for you! I want you to have as many babies as you want." She says.

"We thought you would be mad. Or upset. I didn't want it to ruin any of the show plots." I tell her.

"No! Never! Don't ever think that. I'm happy for you. We can always work around the pregnancy." She says.

"I'll get with the director to talk about the under water scene." She says.

"Thank you Julie! That's such a relief!" I stand up to hug her.

She pats my back.

And then moves her hand to my belly.

"You're already showing! So sweet." She smiles.

"They say you show faster with your second baby. Read that in the baby book." Ian laughs.

Making me smile that he's been reading them again.

"Look at you. A pro dad already." I wink at him.

"Oh, but Julie. We don't want anyone knowing quiet yet. Can we get Zach to just agree to do the scene early without him asking questions?" I ask.

"Of course. I'll sit down with the director and go over everything. But he might have to know. But we can keep it a secret from everyone. Your family doesn't know either?" Julie asks.

"Just Alex. And Paul and Phoebe know too." Ian tells her.

"Phoebe isn't pregnant is she?" Julie laughs.

"No!" We all laugh.


•• Ian's pov ••

"Ian babe, can you bring me a towel?" I hear Nina say from the bathroom.

I walk to the closet and grab a towel out, walking into the bathroom.

"Here you go love." I say and hand it to her.

She steps out and wraps it around her body.

Her hair dripping down her back and shoulders.

"I brought some ice cream up for us." I tell her and watch her slide a t-shirt on.

"Did you pick a movie?" She asks me.

"No, I told you to pick one." I say.

"No. You go pick one. I always pick." She says and pushes me into the room.

"Now pick." She says and points to the movies selection.

I scan them over one by one.

"How about The Goonies?" I turn my head to look at her.

"I don't think I've ever seen that, so okay!" She smiles.

I put the movie in and we crawl into bed.

Nina lays in between my legs and I play with her hair as we watch the movie.

Towards the end of the movie I notice Nina hasn't said anything.

"Baby?" I say.

I lean forward and see she is asleep.

I smirk and pull her up to her pillow. Kissing her on the cheek.

She opens her eyes.

"Oh my god. I fell asleep?" She asks.

"You fell asleep." I smile.

"I'm sorry! I couldn't keep my eyes opened. I do want to finish the movie though." She sits up.

"It ended love." I pull her into my arms.

"We can watch it tomorrow." I kiss her neck.

"Okay. I won't fall asleep." She laughs.

"We'll see about that." I wink at her.

She places her hand on my chest and cuddles into me.

"Goodnight Ian. I love you." She whispers quietly.

"Goodnight baby, I love you." I say and rest my head on hers.

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