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Saturday December 13th was the Country Christmas festival. I went all by myself and met my aunt there. I hung around at the elementary school up the road from the church and bought some baby things for my niece and nephew.

Luna took the ACT that morning, but her and her family came around two pm and we went off together.



Luna, her little seven year old brother, eight year old sister, and her parents were by Santa and the reindeer.

Yes, an actual reindeer. That's how cool my small country-town was.

We went off with her brother and sister, who loved the guy in the rudolph the red nose reindeer suit. Poor guy.

We bought six tickets and stood in line so we could go on the wagon hay ride pulled by two big, brown horses.

That's when I saw Chase. We were walking out of the fire station, where the tickets were being sold and venders were held.

We stood outside and waited, eating hot cheese curds and taking selfies with Luna's siblings.

It was cold and I was regretting not wearing a hat.

Chase stood fifteen feet away drinking soda. His dad next to him drinking beer, I think. They were talking to an older guy.

He saw me and I saw him, but we said nothing. Luna saw him, and tried not to make us seeing him obvious, but failed miserably.

I was goofing off with Luna's siblings and caught him smiling at me.

Then he and his dad got in there beat up blue car and left up the road.

The wagon pulled up and we got on.



After the wagon ride, we went into the fire station to shop and look at the homemade crafts.

Luna and I went off by ourselves to look for baby things.

Suddenly, Luna stopped short. "Oh my gosh!" She sounded shocked.

"What?" I asked, turning to where she was staring.

Chase walked in with his best friend Landon. They both saw us and smiled. Before I could do anything, Luna pulled me to the back of the fire station.

We made ourselves look occupied at a booth and I bought a green car seat cover for my newborn nephew. As soon as I payed the nice old lady and grabbed the bag, Luna pulled me again.

"They're following us!" She stated.

"No they're not. They're probably just walking around, looking," I said and rolled my eyes.

She pulled me again, and I watched them.

They stopped and saw us, coming towards our direction.

Luna pulled me again, all around the fire station and we weaved through the vender booths.

They were following us!

We fast walked up to Luna's family. We looked back towards the boys. They saw us with her family and stopped following us.

Five minutes later they left.

Well, that was fun while it lasted!

Luna and I watched the parade and fireworks later that night. Luna's little brother ran down the middle of the street, which you can safely do in the small town. We chased after him.

When we got back to the rest of her family, with a struggling six year old in my arms, Luna's mom told her two boys were just standing next to her and saying 'where are they? They were just here' before leaving. She described the boys perfectly.

Chase and Landon!

I stayed with Luna and her family the rest of the night. We had a blast!

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