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Saturday May 2nd! PROM!

Luna and I had college placement testing an hour away at eight in the morning.

After that, I was so ready!

Luna, Chastity and I all got ready together. Later, the boys came. We took pictures on a private bridge, where we got yelled at, down by the river, and we took pictures with Luna's high tech camera by the movie theatre. It was a blast.

After that we went to Nick's grandma's house, where his mom made us an amazing dinner from scratch. We had chicken, veggies, and amazing strawberry pie.

Once we got to prom, we immediately danced.

I went with Isaac through the grand march, since he was a junior.

I never once saw Chase there. I saw Nate with Maddie, Landon with his girlfriend. I saw Josh, his rugby friends, one with a date. Otherwise, they went as a group of guys.

But still, no Chase.

I cried when I got home because I blamed myself for him not going.



The whole week after Prom, I put my headphones in whenever I could, ignoring the world.

Chase ate lunch, then disappeared. Good!

I had so many reason going through my head of why he didn't go.

All I blamed on myself.



A week later, on a Monday, Chastity told me the news.

I told her, as a joke, to talk to John, who was in her sixth hour science, why his brother didn't go.

I was in math, when she texted me.

"Hey so Chase did lie to you about prom"

"What? How do you know?"

"I talked to John. He sits right next to me."


"You told me to!"

"I was joking, anyways, what did John say, what did you say?"

"I was like 'hey did Chase go to prom?' and John said 'no, why?' and I said 'oh, my friend Brooke wanted to know' and he said 'Brooke who?' so I showed him a picture of you and he said 'oh the scary one!' really quietly."

"The scary one? He's scared of me? Oh no! He doesn't even know me!"

"Yeah. And then a few minutes later he said that on the day you asked Chase to Prom, Chase came home from Rugby that night and said 'I guess I'm not going to prom' before walking away"

"Omg! I am definitely the reason he didn't go"

"Are you mad at him?"

"No. Not mad. Disappointed!"



Conclusion: he lied to me and I blame myself.

I really hate Mondays!

I wish there was a time machine to go back six months because things will never go back to Brooke and Chase: gym buddies.

That's what I regret.






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