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The day before spring break, I walked up to Chase while he was at Josh's locker. Josh is his rugby friend and he seemed to be hanging out with him a lot more than Nate lately.

He also stopped taking the bus and went home with Josh. Not that I cared.

"Hey Chase, here's my dad's address and phone numbers in case you and your friends wanted to come too and bring their girlfriends or whatever," I said fast, handing him a piece of paper folded with my dad's address, his home number and my cell number.

Sneaky, I know!

He said thanks and I walked away. Josh asked him what that was about, but I was long gone before I could hear what Chase said back.

Oh, and Luna and Samantha were watching the whole time, geeking out in the middle of the hallway.

Way to be obvious guys!



I waited all spring break, calling my dad every day to see if Chase called.


I went with my management team to Milwaukee for a spring break trip. Isaac, Chastity, and I, all by ourselves. I drove. We were taking Isaac to see him mom and sister, who lived in a motel.

It was so much fun and we met his whole family!

We even ended up spending the night, so we didn't get back until Wednesday.

We didn't have musical practice at all that week, so I was board.

Board and waiting. Waiting for Chase to call.

He never did.



Maple syrup season was ending the next weekend after break was over, so I went up to Chase on Monday when he was going calculus in the morning, alone.

He doesn't talk to me unless I walk up to him, even when it looks like he wants to talk.

What a shy wus!

Yes, I was upset. I am a teenage girl with hormones after all.

"Hey! How was spring break?" I asked.

"Good. Sorry I didn't come over. And I can't go it this weekend either."

Sure, Chase, sure.

"It's okay," I say. It's not okay. Maple syrup season would be done.

"So where you going to college next year?" I ask.

"I don't know yet."

"Me neither. So you're not in baseball, you quit football. What are you in?"

"Rugby." Ah ha! That's why he has been hanging with Josh.

"That's cool, Luna likes rugby." That was BS because even I didn't even know what rugby was.

"Nice. Well, are you in National Honor Society. I don't know if we have a meeting this morning."

"No, I'm not that smart. I mean, you're super smart."

"Well, I was until AP classes."

"No, you're still smart Jacobs. Do you want me to check? or I could stay here and watch your stuff and you can check."

"No, that's okay. I can just leave it here."

"No seriously, people steal things, and that's a nice bag." What? Did he think I was going to look through his things? Okay, I thought about it for a second, but I would never! It's like he suddenly didn't trust me!

"No, it's okay," he said, not even looking up from his papers.

"Alright, bye," I said, walking to the lunch table I meet my friends at in the morning.

I could still see him, since it was only a few feet away, so when he left to check, I watched him stuff until he came back.

Aren't I a nice friend?



We placed tenth in our management competition. That's really good!

Musical performances were at the end of April, so that whole month after my weird conversation with Chase, we had practice at late as ten at night. I had no time for homework or sleep, let alone worrying about Chase.

Who, by the way, had rugby practice every day with Josh.

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