Souta and Yuna: A Sunlit Day

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To eternal love

"Ugh! I guess I have no other option now!", declared Yuna to herself. It was a bright summer day. With sunrays pouring into her room, she felt tired. Today is the summer festival. Usually Souta, Miyamura, Hori and she would go together to the festival. But this year Hori had broken her foot, so they were celebrating it on dinner at Souta's house. Of course, she had to bring a gift, but there was only one problem, she couldn't decide what to bring.

After hours of thinking she finally called Souta and asked him to come with her to buy a gift. She came out of her house wearing a light brown frock reaching just below her knees, with a touch of cream-colored floral design near the bottom and a small bag was hanging by her shoulder. She met Souta in front of her house. He dressed himself in a rather simple attire, a light gray half shirt over a white t-shirt and a pair of jeans.

"Yo! So, you finally had to get my help.", greeted Souta.

"Yea yea, now come on fast, we have to go the house this evening."

And so, they went ahead. First, they stopped at a sweet shop. Yuna knew Miyamura would bake a cake for the occasion, so why not bring in a sweet to go with it. Souta didn't like the idea a lot. As they entered the sweet shop, they were greeted by a long line of colorful sweets shining in the summer sun. "Do you know what cake he will be baking?", asked Yuna while casually looking at the sweets.


There was a small pause. "You all live in the same house, right? At least some idea?"

"Not really, I was busy reading the latest volume of my manga."

"Still crazy about that shinobi manga, aren't you?", sighed Yuna. They soon left the shop empty-handed.

Their next stop was at a shopping mall. They entered a clothes shop. Yuna wanted to buy Miyamura and Hori a matching pair of t-shirts, the sort couples wear. But again, the idea was rejected by Souta.

"What do you think they are? Some middle school lovey-dovey couple?", he complained.

"They are not in middle school but they would like the idea of a matching pair of t-shirts. They are quite 'lovey-dovey'."

"Yea sure", Souta said as the visuals of Izumi and Hori arguing over the smallest of things flashed over his mind. They always made up quickly, but then start another argument just as soon. He wondered if all couples become like this.

Just as they were browsing through a long array of colorful clothes, some hanging, some folded, Souta got a message on his phone. It was from his onee-san.

"Don't buy anything too expensive. And buy some clothes for yourself and Yuna-chan."

He replied with a "ok". It was a royal declaration. No argument against it would work. Neither he nor Yuna were very fond of buying clothes. Hori was always fussing over how kids his age should be fashionable. Well, now he needed to buy clothes, for himself and Yuna.

They both started looking for clothes for themselves. They both agreed to buy t-shirts. Yuna chose a simple light green colored t-shirt with a dark-green band running across the chest. Souta wanted to buy the merch of his favorite shinobi manga but Yuna's death stare was enough to make him think otherwise. He chose a similar t-shirt as Yuna, only the positions of the colors were inter-changed.

"Wow, our choices are very similar, does this make us a lovey-dovey couple now?", Souta's remark was casual. They had started dating, but didn't know what to do when you are dating someone. They knew each other since what felt like a lifetime. When the news spread to their respective families neither of them showed any objection. Once, Yuna messaged Souta late at night thinking this what couples do. Only to realize they talk late in night often enough to not make it special.

"What do you mean? It is just a coincidence!", Yuna felt flustered. Souta smirked at Yuna and smacked her forehead with his finger the way he usually did. Well, they left the store.

As the clock moved, they felt hungry. So, they went to a burger place. They had visited the burger place a lot of times. "I will have the usual.", Souta told Yuna.

"Then go get it."

"No, it is your turn, I got the order last time."

"How do you remember such trivial things.", sighed Yuna as she went to get their order.

When she came back Souta was sitting by the window. She sat in front of him. They both started eating and talking about small everyday things in-between. There was a small pause. Souta was looking out of the window and Yuna was looking at him. The sunlight pouring from the window met Souta's face, brightening it. Yuna was mesmerized for a moment. Is this how he always looked? Was this the face I had started love, since when? The first time we met? In middle school? Or was it high-school? Her train of thoughts was interrupted by a person who bumped into Yuna's seat and casually apologized.

As they left the burger place Souta told Yuna, "Onee-san wanted us to visit the shrine." So they went.

They climbed the stairs up the shrine. They said their prayers. Souta's prayer finished earlier than Yuna's, as usual. He glanced at her. With her eyes closed and hands joined and the sun behind her, she looked oddly attractive to Souta. What does she wish for so long? Who does she pray for? Do I come in her prayers? Just like she comes in mine? His distracted mind was bought back in place as Yuna's prayer got over.

Yuna had a stroke of idea. She excitedly said, "Why not get them a good luck charm for their relationship!" Souta liked the idea. They went to shop and pooled money for a decently expensive good luck charm. To eternal love, it said. With the gift in their hand, they started the walk back home.

As they were returning, the sun was starting to set. As they came near their houses a thought crossed Yuna's mind. Can this be counted as out first date? Should I ask him? As their houses came near, she gathered her courage and asked Souta, fumbling a little, "Ca...Can we count this as our first date?"

Souta smacked her head very lightly with his fingers. The good luck charm was in his hands. He turned around with a small innocent smile on his face and the setting sun shinning upon him, he said, "Of course we can."


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