Space Wars: Part 2

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The vast space lay in front of them...


"Alright everyone, we are going to enter the Tunnel, grab support and be ready for impact!", Naozumi called out to everyone from the driver's seat. Kyosuke (ship captain), Yuriko and Iori sat on their seats and fastened seat belts.

The ship stopped and started to vibrate. The dark empty space in front of them dotted with distant celestial bodies started to warp. The darkness was lit by streaks of different colors. The space in front of them warped and opened a mouth ready to eat them. The streaks of light poured into it feeding it's thirst and the hole became larger and larger until it was just the right size for their ship. The Tunnel was finally open and they entered into it. The ship shook violently resisting to enter but when it did in fact enter, everything seemed to stop. The lights ever present in the background were flowing endlessly, giving no hint to determine if the ship was moving. The had finally entered the Tunnel.

"And now we go on a voyage to take over the world!!", said Kyosuke with standing with one leg above the table and his measuring scale pointing out into the unknown.

Yuriko appeared from thin air and whispered close to his ears, "We are supposed to be the good guys captain...". Kyosuke shivered and retuned back to captain-ing.

Kyosuke was pouring over the maps trying to deduce routes they would need to use. A thought came creeping into his mind But why did Kyo-chan do this...... if something happens to would never......

The Tunnel went on endlessly as all four of them sat to discuss. "So, what shall we do....", asked Kyosuke to the other, as he lit a smoke.

"You are the captain shouldn't you be telling us what we should do.... And don't smoke in the ship!", Yuriko hissed snatching away the cigarette.

"I think first we should check on the shuttle, find out if Miyamura is still well or....", Iori suggested in worrisome tone. Naozumi grabbed held her shoulder and continued, "I agree, first we should check the shuttle, if Izumi is there, well and good. If not, we will trace Souta and on the planet."

Yuriko and Kyosuke agreed, they were worried about Izumi too, they would have liked to check on Souta first but since it was one of theirs who caused the trouble, they felt responsible.

After some time the Tunnel finally came to an end they were greeted by the sight of the lonesome space shuttle. They parked their ship to the shuttle and boarded the shuttle leaving the ship attached to shuttle.

They had much experience in riding space vehicles, but for some reason to them this particular one, gave an ominous aura. Maybe it was because they knew what had happened, and the people related were their own sons and daughter. They itched to know what had happened and walked with haste towards the main chamber. The room looked as any other they have ever seen but to one exception. Miyamura lay on the floor.

MIYAMURA!!!! They all screamed and rushed over. The noises broke his slumber and he tried to wake up. His parents kneeled and supported him. Kyosuke and Yuriko went bought a water bottle. But before they could ask about his well-being, before water could be drunk and before things could clam down a little something moved.

A cat, a small cat. Isn't that the one Hori-san had.... he thought. The cat climbed a desk and stared at them. They waited eagerly for something to happen and then.... The cat spoke...

"So you all have come...... let me give you the message Hori Kyouko wants me to give you.....


"Alright everyone, let me brief you all on the situation that is present in front of us. As you all know Hori Kyoko betrayed us and has been reportedly sighted with Yasuda, our enemy. She drugged Miyamura and left him unconscious, and pushed Souta out into the escape pod chamber. Team Kyosuke have reached the shuttle and now with Miyamura they are going to planet KC3A in search for Souta, all clear?", finished Sengoku in front of the council members.

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