To Gift You The Sky: Horimiya Genderbent Universe Part 3

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Page 6: Cookies

"Thank you! Kono-san!", Tohru cheerfully thanked Kono as she received a small pouch from him, full of cookies. Kono beamed a smile in reply and took off.

It had been quite a while since this routine started, ever since one day Tohru mistakenly spilled water over him, leaving his body quite visible through the wet white t-shirt. To make up for her mistake she ran to bring his P.E. jacket but absent-mindedly brought hers instead. But with no word of complain Kono wore the jacket and ran straight home before he could be stripped (quite literally) of his privilege of wearing his crush's jacket. The next day while returning the jacket he brought a bunch of cookies handmade by him as a token of gratitude.

It was then he came to know Tohru had quite a liking for cookies and now whenever he made some, (which had become quite often ever since) some were shared with her too.

Right now, Tohru was standing in the hallway enjoying one tastefully chewing it, taking her sweet time, unaware of the bitter stare that was being casted on her by Yoshinori. He was standing at some distance behind her peeking through a corner, grumbling to himself thinking, Maybe Tohru likes guys who can cook and bake! Why did not I think of this! I have been around her for so long!! Oh stupid me, I need to make a move or else.... A sudden gloom came about him, or else...what? Still quite unsure of his feelings towards her, his newfound motivation was quickly tempered by this confusion he had had for some while.

He stopped staring at Tohru and walked in silence surrounded by his thoughts, and questions, did he like her? Are they dating? Many do think they do because how close they are but, are they? They lied to Yanagi about it and the news spread like wildfire, so does it count?

Unconditioned to such heavy thinking the simple-minded Yoshinori came to a simple conclusion, he must learn to cook. He cannot lose her.


Days flew by, more cookies were baked, some eaten some shared. But today breaking the monotonicity Miyamura and Hori were at the roof looking quite curiously to what was laid in front of them. Comfortably resting on a bed of sky blue cloth dotted with pink flowers were harsh brown cookies clearly, very burnt. Yoshinori tried to sell it the best he could and convince them that they will not face instant death as they ate it, but he was not quite successful.

"You know...they are good for a first try!", Hori motivated her in shaking enthusiasm.

"Hmm yes. I too was not very good at baking first, we all know", Miyamura too attempted to lift his mood.

"You don't need to...I can see what blasphemy I have committed.", he replied depressingly looking at his creation.

They were so busy looking at the sorry little things that Tohru's arrival was left unheard and they were quite surprised when she asked what they were up to.

"You... what are you doing here?!", quite surprised Yoshinori asked while clumsily hiding her cookies.

"No need to shout like that, you know. I was just finding Iura, she took my notebooks and I need to turn them in after break.", she replied very clearly very annoyed.

As the brief exchange got over a peculiar silence took its place. She tried to look over Yoshinori to see what he was clearly trying to hide while he leaned arching his back more and more hiding those abominations and mastering yoga in one go. Finally, her back realized yoga was not their cup of tea and he fell over revealing to Tohru, something he couldn't understand what were. She stared at them for a beat and then looked at Hori and Miyamura for answers. They replied together in a weak voice, "They are cookies made by him, it is his first time."

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