Battle of Magician's Village.

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In the Musician's Village bandits were ransacking the village
Wolf Boss: Get all the metal you can find!
The bandits continued ransacking the village until they got everything they need
Wolf Boss: That's everything, let's get out of here!!
But before they could leave 12 heroes landed in front of the village entrance.
Yu: Step away from the villagers!
Villager: Yay it's the Dragon Warriors!
Wolf Boss: A Panda? That's impossible!
The Wolf Boss then looked over at Yu and became even more shocked.
Wolf Boss: It's you. you're the Stranger from the wanted poster!
Chie: Wanted poster?
Po: Well my fist hungers Justice.
Soon his stomach growled causing everyone to look at him
Po: That was my... fist.
Wolf Boss: Get them!
The bandits charge at the heroes leaving the Wolf boss and Yu face to face.
Wolf Boss: You are coming with us, Stranger. Shen would be delighted to meet you.
Yu didnt know who this "Shen'' was. One thing for sure though he was not going to get captured by the assailants.
"Then Come get me." Yu said before he holds up a glowing tarot carot
Yu: ...Izanagi!

Izanagi Appears and fires three Zio blasts electrocuting three bandits before clashing blades with the wolf boss

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Izanagi Appears and fires three Zio blasts electrocuting three bandits before clashing blades with the wolf boss.
Izanagi infused his fist with electricity and punched the wolf boss in the stomach.
Yu: Naoto, Kanji protect the Villagers and get them to safety!
Naoto: Right.
Kanji: You can count on us senpai.
Naoto and Kanji got the villagers to safety.
Yu: King Frost!

King Frost appeared and unleashed an ice storm freezing the bandits that attacked him from behind

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King Frost appeared and unleashed an ice storm freezing the bandits that attacked him from behind. Leaving the villagers amazed.
Wolf boss: Wha-What is he!?
Meanwhile Yosuke and the other heroes were dealing with the other bandits when Yosuke looked up he saw a mechanical maiden with red eyes and a school uniform watching them.

Wolf boss: Wha-What is he!?Meanwhile Yosuke and the other heroes were dealing with the other bandits when Yosuke looked up he saw a mechanical maiden with red eyes and a school uniform watching them

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Chie: Hanamura! Pay attention!
"Woah!" Yosuke said as he ducked from one of the bandit's slash.
Yosuke: Jiraiya!
Jiraiya was summoned as it unleashed a wind blast.
Yosuke then looked back at the girl where he saw her but she already left.
Yu: Lu Bu, you ready?
Lu Bu: Indeed.
Yu took out the Dragon amulet and summoned Lu Bu.
This left the bandits horrified by the appearance of Lu Bu.
Bandit: It's... i-it's Lu Bu!
All of the bandits except the wolf boss were trembling in fear of Lu Bu.
Lu Bu: I'm sick of weaklings! Come!

One of The Bandit tries to attack Lu Bu but he gets flicked away
The next Bandit attempts to strike Lu Bu from Behind. But Lu bu points his spear at the Bandit's chest stopping him in his tracks before backhanding his fist sending the bandit flying.
Wolf Boss' mind: Such power..! No wonder Shen wants this stranger alive.
Three archers fire arrows from their trembling hands. at the strongest warrior of ancient China but he grabs the arrows and crushed them with his hand.
Lu bu: You call these arrows?! I'll show you what real arrows are!
Lu Bu creates a bow and fires three arrows with Almighty Energy.
Lu Bu: Pathetic. Truly Pathetic!
Yukiko: Let go of me!
The other heroes looked over and saw a Bandit abducting Yukiko.
Chie: Yukiko!
The heroes were about to save Yukiko but The Bandit stopped them.
Bandit: None of you move! One more step and you can say goodbye to your friend!
Kanji: You bastard!
Yukiko: Let... go!!!
Soon a pillar of fire surrounded Yukiko as the bandit who held her hostage was knocked back. as her Persona started to change. It's appearance was different with it's body being golden wielding a katana with red gems on each side of it's fanned shields. This was the evolved form of Konohana-Sakuya. Amaterasu.

Yukiko looked over at the bandit who held her hostage with a serious look on her face

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Yukiko looked over at the bandit who held her hostage with a serious look on her face.. She pointed her fan at him as the newly evolved Persona unleashed a powerful Agidyne sending the bandit off the cliff.
Viper Amagi are you ok?
Yukiko: Yeah I'm fine.
The Wolf Boss knowing that he was outmatched has no choice but to retreat.
"Consider yourself lucky stranger!" The Wolf boss said before he and the rest of the bandits retreat with the rest of the metal.
Yosuke: and... they're gone.
Yu looked over at Po who just got up from being hit by the Wolf Boss.
Yu: Po-Chan, you alright?
Tigress: What happened?
"I think I saw... I gotta go." Po said before he ran off leaving the Furious Five and The Persona users confused.
Yukiko: What got into him all of a sudden?
Naoto: Beats me.
Yu was getting worried about his new sibling but what he didnt notice was that the Mysterious Persona was about to strike Narukami from behind Lu Bu however did notice as his spear blocked the Persona's katana and pushed him back.

Yu was getting worried about his new sibling but what he didnt notice was that the Mysterious Persona was about to strike Narukami from behind Lu Bu however did notice as his spear blocked the Persona's katana and pushed him back

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Seiryu: Boy... come with me.
This left Yu in confusion and shock.
To Be Continued...

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