CH. 1 Roseanne

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I stood in front of my high school, dreading that I have to spend yet another year in this hell hole. I don't like school very much because not a lot of the teenagers here like me. The students here aren't just from my pack but other packs that we have an alliance with. Most of them bully me and my friends for being in a low rank of the very large pack we all live in. In total there has to be over 1,000 hormonal teenagers in this giant building.

Yes Pack. This is the territory of the NightShade werewolf pack. The LARGEST pack in the states. Our territory might as well be a large city on its own, however we are also still close to nearby 'human' cities when we need to go out.

I let out a huge sigh and walked into the giant building that adults call 'high school' but for us teens, we call it a jail. I kept my head down like always since freshman year two years ago, avoiding gazes of the higher ranked wolves from higher families. I may not be at the lowest point like the omega's around, but I still get picked on by some of the popular girls that think they are better than the rest.

I stumbled to my locker, battling the heavy amount of teen wolf hormones around. Once I got to my locker and opened it, someone tackled me from behind with a hug.

"Hi Rosie!" One of three of my best friends squealed.

"Hi Jennie!" I turned in her embrace to hug her back.

Jennie Kim has been my best friend since we were born. Her and my mom are both Medics in our pack, but before that they have been best friends since they were young as well. So it was only natural that they had Jennie and I become close too.

"Are you excited!?" She asked.

"For what?"

She scuffed and gave me a face, clearly, I asked a dumb question.

"It's your birthday tomorrow! That means you can finally find your mate!"

I sighed. It's true. Wolves find their mates after they turn 17. Some are lucky and find them on the first day, others take a little bit more time. For some that actually end up taking a bit longer, they start to go a little mad and then try to screw half the school. There are a lot of 17- and 18-year-old wolves that still are waiting, some patiently, others frustrated. However, just because you are in the same school as your mate, doesn't make it easier. The fucked-up part is, you actually have to come in contact with them too. Talking, handshake, accidentally bumping into them in the hallway, something.

"How would you know that I will find them tomorrow? You've been of age for a couple months and you still haven't found yours."

"Hey! She's around here, I know she is!"

"And how do you know it's a girl? It could be a boy you know." I crossed my arms.

"You won't know until the day comes."

We turned our heads to see Jisoo standing next to us. Jisoo Kim, who is also Jennie's cousin, is like my cousin too. She has been 17 since January and unfortunately hasn't found her mate either.

"I at least hope it's a girl and all mighty Luna takes my sexuality into consideration! Jennie put her hands together like she was praying.

"Talking shit again Jen?" Lisa popped up next to her and wrapped her hands around her shoulders. "Don't worry baby, I'll be your mate on my birthday!"

We all cracked up, even Lisa couldn't keep a straight face.

Lisa Manoban, the last of my best friend group. Lisa came into our group quickly during Junior-high. It was a blessing we vibed well because her family were found out of our borders, seeking sanctuary and our kind Alpha allowed them to stay. While other people still call her outcast, we call her our sister.

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