CH. 16 Zyra

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My eyes slowly fluttered open. The smell of rubbing alcohol and cleaning products made me aware I was in the hospital. All I remember was getting shot and falling, then nothing after that. I was dazed and blinked so much to try to get myself awake enough to look around. My whole body hurt but it was mild pain due to the IV I had in my arm feeding me something that made me feel high.

I tried lifting my dominant hand to at least rub my eye but the cast on my shoulder prevented me. So, I tried my left, but there was weight holding it down. I tilted my head to the left to see why I couldn't move. Thinking that I had a cast on this side too.

My eyes landed on a head of lilac silver hair, draped over my arm and part of the bed. the same hair that got my attention the first day of school. Sitting on a chair and bent over on my bed like you would in school to take a nap. She's asleep.

My hand was under her arms as she used them as a pillow to support herself. I could feel a study breath on my hand as one of her hands was holding it under her face. I had the desperate need to touch her, but I couldn't move my right hand. I squeezed her hand with my left hoping it would wake her. No response.

"Ro-" I tried talking but my throat was dry. I licked my lips and tried to summon as much saliva I could to moisten it even a little. Attempting to squeeze her hand and shaking it a bit to wake her. After a little effort her body started to stir.

"Rosie." I finally was able to make a sound.

She lifted her head a bit while waking, maybe she thought she was dreaming. I squeezed her hand again with all the strength I had. Lifted her head quickly to see my hand move and snapped her neck to look me in the eyes.

Her eyes turned that baby blue color I admired so much and missed looking into.

"Oh my god!" She then stood up and claimed my lips as hard as she could, without hurting me.

I really wanted to touch her, and it was killing me that I couldn't

"You're finally awake!" She broke our kiss and started to tear up.

I let go of her hand and brought mine to her cheeks to wipe the tears away.

"How long was I out?"

"Couple days." She said leaning into my touch.

"Have you been here this whole time?"

"Of course I have! My mom let me stay. I told her I didn't want to go home. I wanted to be here when you woke up!"

Love and passion warmed my heart and the blood rushed to my cheeks. I'm pretty sure my eyes were glowing more brightly when it would normally be around her. I worked my hand around to grab her nape and bring her in for a kiss. I didn't want to part from her. I quickly deepened the kiss without warning, and it made her moan. She tried not to touch me I could tell, but her own battle wasn't enough, and she placed a hand on my abs. I hissed letting her go.

"I'm sorry!" She said jumping back, putting her hands to her mouth.

"Don't be. I don't even know what kind of wounds I have."

She took a step to me and helped lift the thin sheet off. Being in the ridiculous hospital gown, I couldn't see much but my leg looked scratched up.

"You have an open wound here, that's probably why I hurt you." She motioned to my abs and my right side. "Your right thigh and left leg have a couple scratches but now are healing better. Your face looks a lot better since I first came in here. But I think you'll be left with a little scar above your eyebrow." She continued to tell me all the wounds I had and that I was healing well. After that she leaned in and kissed my brow that she said may have a scar.

And in my opinion, scars are kinda hot.

"My first battle scar that will actually stay as a scar. Kinda dope." I chuckled.

"Kinda hot if you ask me." She smirked at me.

All I did was blush but couldn't look away from her.

"Are you thirsty?" She asked as she turned to a pitcher and poured me a glass of cold water. My eyes glistened because I felt like I was dying. The cold liquid felt so good running down my throat. But even better is that my mate was helping me.

"Oh, that hits the spot."

She giggled. "More?"

I nodded, then downed a second glass.

"Are you hungry? I can see if my mom will let you eat."

"Please? I'm famished." I gave her big puppy eyes and a whine.

"Aww you're so cute." She leaned in and brushed her nose against mine. "I'll be back, okay?"

She kissed my forehead and rushed out of the room. 

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