CH. 15 Roseanne

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"BABY!" Jennie screamed when we all walked into Ryujin's room.


"AH! I'm sorry!" Jennie tried hugging her girlfriend but then jumped off her fast because she hurt her.

"It's fine. Can you tell these nurses I don't need that fucking needle!"

"She's in pain and this will help." One of the nurses said.

"Ryujin." Jennie's voice stern and it made Ryujin look at her in fear.

"Fine..." Ryujin agreed and held out her arm.

Once the nurses were done, they left and suddenly Ryujin felt high as a kite.

"Ryu... what happened?" I asked while standing on the side of the bed.

"I'm sorry Rosie. I feel like it was my fault. A bigger wolf knocked me over and Zy tried to rush to help me. But a stupid ass human with a gunshot her. The thing was, I think he was aiming for me and she jumped in front of me." She started to cry for her best friend. Jennie held her hand to comfort her.

"When I got up, she was on the ground, panting and whining. I didn't want to shift back in case something happened, but I tried to move her away from the battle. Thankfully her dad was right there and helped out. Once the battle was over. I shifted back and tried to get her to shift but she couldn't. Found out the bullets were silver. I kept her from bleeding out and we made it here. She was the first one to be taken back."

I couldn't stop crying. I held her hand to tell her that it wasn't her fault.

"So then if she can't shift back, does that mean they are operating on her in wolf form?" Lisa asked something I couldn't.

"Probably, I don't doubt it."

"How are you babe?" Jennie asked, then petted Ryu's hair.

"Oh, I'm great now! I can't feel a thing!" Ryujin smiled. "Ow!"

"Yeah, did you feel that!?" Jennie slapped her in the arm. "This is why you get IV's so you can get the medicine faster, dummy!"

Ryujin whimpered a puppy whine.

"Ugh fine. I'm sorry. But seriously, are you okay?"

"Yeah. I have a big bruise on my left side because when I got pushed, I hit a rock. And then I have some scratches on my right shoulder blade. Other than that, nothing's broken."

As much as I am happy to know Ryujin is safe for Jennie's sake. I still couldn't hold in my worry about my own. She was fighting for her life. I could feel it. While a lot of people were trying to go home, I stayed with Jennie and Ryujin because I wanted to be the first person in Zyra's room when they took her there. The five of us talked about random things to get my mind off of the worries that I was holding in.

It's been hours since we got to the hospital. Although I know that these procedures take a long time due to what my mother has told me, I was still impatient.


I heard my mother's voice sail into the room, and I jumped up to face her. I didn't say anything, just waited for her to tell me where to go.

"Come on sweetheart."

We all started to walk with her, until.

"Just Rosie girls, she needs to be alone with her mate for a little bit. I won't even let her dad in yet." My mom winked at me then walked out the door.

I chased after her like I was going to lose her if I didn't catch up. She took me back behind a set of doors you need a key for and took me straight to Zyra's room.


She was peacefully sleeping with a cast around her right shoulder and upper arm. Her face was a little scratched up and bruised.

My eyes started to water again as I took her hand into mine. I sat down in the chair next to her bed and just stared at her.

"She's a tough one. It was hard getting that bullet out of her in wolf form, but it was successful. Due to the poisoning from the silver, she couldn't heal. Although she can now, it'll take a couple days, so she'll have to be here until then." My mom's words were kind, trying to assure me that she'll make it.

"Thank you, mama." I said then getting up to hug her tight.

"Of course, honey. I wouldn't have ever imagined what I would have done if it was your father. But you are my daughter, and I cannot see you hurt the way you were. Your mate will be fine. Just give her time."

"Could I stay with her till she wakes up? I don't want to go home."

"Sure honey, I'll grab some stuff for you and bring it here tomorrow, okay?"

I nodded to her as a thank you. She left me alone. 

All I wanted to do was curl in a ball next to my mate. But I didn't want to injure her further, so I walked around to her non-injured side and took her hand. I used my free hand to pet her hair softly.

"Hey Love," I said, starting to sniffle again. "I'm here baby. Don't worry, I'll make sure no one hurts you ever again."

I leaned in to kiss her head, and she stirred a bit. I leaned back not knowing if I hurt her or not.

"Ro-" she said ever so lightly I thought she was awake. She wasn't anywhere near awake, but still managed to say my name. Well partly.

I smiled and chuckled a laugh through my tears and pain.

"Yes baby, I'm here. And I'll be here when you wake up. Just... Rest now, okay? I love you."

I didn't know where to sleep. Part of me wanted to lay on the couch linking to the window, but I didn't want to be far from her. I wanted to at least hold her hand. I dragged the nonconformable stiff chair from the corner and sat next to the bed. I held her hand and just staired at her beat-up face. 

Tears fell yet again at the sight. 

I remembered the dream I had this morning and it dawned on me. It wasn't a dream I was able to know exactly what happened to her, but it did send me a message indicated something happened. Maybe it was from a link we shared. Maybe I knew something happened to her and that's why my body acted the way it did. 

I relished on the fast that she was the daughter of the Alpha, but it is also scaring me now. I don't want her to go off on these jobs, missions, or war and get hurt again and again. Come to think of it. I never seen or heard of her losing in a fight, or even coming home hurt like this. So, this was the one time that got pretty bad. Which led to my curiosity kicking in. 

What other injuries does she have?

I stood up wiping my tears. Lifted the sheet to see what I can find. Her legs were a little scratched up, not too bad. I could tell she got a nasty bite on her right leg, which made my stomach turn. Some deranged wolf bit my mate. Meaning their mouth was one her and it wasn't me. Anger started to kick in but it left as quickly as it came. 

I looked at the gown that she was wearing. Biting my lip, I knew she was 100% naked under it. I wanted to know. I started to lift it, first finding her v-cut hips. I shuddered. Even in this state I found her hot as hell. I knew she was toned from the sports that she plays but this is a whole other level of toned. I tried not to convert my eyes down to her lower parts, but I couldn't. my mouth gapped open for a moment, then I shook my head. I found a large bandage on her abs, and it made me choke. I did see blood through the bandage, and it made my heart drop again.

I covered her back up and tried to make myself comfortable in the chair. I grabbed her hand again and laid over it. Using my arms and her hand as a pillow, I began drifting to sleep. 

The Alpha's Daughter (ROSEANNEPARKxFEMFAN)Where stories live. Discover now