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There were moments in her life that Ladybug knew she would remember exactly as they happened, and this was definitely one of those moments.

As the water sailed from the pool onto her bare legs, she flung herself around on the deckchair.

A body appeared from under the water, shaking blond hair around and sending water flying in small droplets back into the pool, causing a scatter of rainbows around them. Ladybug watched as the muscles in his back rippled in gloriousness from the distinct movement. The water glistened like a cluster of diamonds on the most defined back she'd ever seen. If ever they were going to hire a blond to play James Bond, this guy was a sure thing for the role.

He bounced around a little in the water, before effortlessly diving and swimming under the surface—his very bare, very naked, bum rising above the surface.

Oh wow! This guy was starkers—and she couldn't pull her eyes away!

"Yikes!" A black blur zoomed past her. A very familiar black blur.

"Plagg," the body in the water said.

"Transform, kid!"

"What? Why?"

"Just do as I say!"

A green flash covered his body as he turned around and screamed, one hand disappearing in the water as another slammed over his eyes.

She looked behind her. Something red catching her eye on the back of the sun-lounger...something which should have been on a very intimate part of her body.

Shuffling around, she grabbed her towel and wrapped it around the top half of her body, most accurately her bare breasts, just as he was covering his... things .

"Chat Noir! Why are you here?"

"Why are you naked?" he squeaked back, the pitch was so high she thought he'd go prepubescent.

She huffed. "I should be asking you the same question!"

"I was going for a swim in my pool!"

"Our pool. Uncover your eyes," she said, wrapping the towel around her tighter.

"I - I don't know. I don't want you to feel like I'm perving on you."

She sighed. "Chaton, I'm covered now."

Slowly, Chat Noir uncovered his face, a shy sheepish pull at each corner of his lips. He looked so innocent she could have laughed.

"What's wrong? Has the all great and powerful Chat Noir never seen a woman naked before?"

Please say no! Please say no!

"No! Of course I haven't, I've never - I've always - no!" She wasn't sure if the over denial was a lie or whether he was well and truly on the defence. He pushed himself out the water, and she couldn't help but wonder what that action would have looked like without his transformation.

Was it a bad thing that she was still thinking about his back? She just couldn't seem to stop. The ripples, the tight muscles...she couldn't work out if it was from hours spent vaulting over rooftops, or if he was just working overtime in the gym?

Down, Marinette!

She clambered onto her knees facing away from him, a mixture of wanting to put her bikini top back on and wanting to cool down. He moved onto the swimming pool ledge and posed like he was in the swimsuit edition of Vogue magazine. Posing in a way the sun reflected on his bone structure just right.

A Masked GetawayWhere stories live. Discover now