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When you fall in love, you want it to be with someone who knows you inside and out, and Ladybug was no different in that sense. Except it wasn't the normal inside and outside; it was inside and outside of her mask...and Chat Noir had just proved their fleeting kiss on a spontaneous night out wasn't just a spur of a moment idea, but a kiss of feelings and respect. The thought sent a warm tingle down her spine.

He knew her—all of her. Though she was a little surprised by the extent of his knowledge, she couldn't deny that him knowing, and obviously not caring, was one of the most wholesome moments of her life.

He knew her, and, what's more, he liked her.

Making their way down from the stage, hand in hand, she couldn't help the healthy glow she was wearing. Her heart was signed, sealed, and delivered to her partner, and she was quite sure now there was no turning back.

With every correct answer, her heart swelled a little more. This was a man who listened, and cared enough to remember. A gorgeous gentleman, who had put himself on the line for her, who'd played a part for her, who'd been there at her highest and her lowest. Why had she ever considered anyone else?

She began to think back over their time together and the fact some of her most favourite times were when they were together patrolling or just chilling out, like they had been this vacation. That's when she saw the real side of him. The side that was sweet and calm and innocent—a real person. She owed him so much, yet he never demanded repayment. He'd just given and given and given, and he'd been there when no one else had—when no one else could.

And now, getting the chance to compare them side by side, Adrien Agreste had nothing on Chat Noir, and the look on her ex-crush's face validated her feelings.

Finally arriving face to face with Adrien and Kagami, Ladybug couldn't help but hold Chat Noir's hand a little harder.

"I suppose congratulations should be offered," Adrien said, his face a clear sign he didn't mean it.

"What can I say? M'Lady and I are a perfect team."

"Sure. But I've got to say, a charm bracelet as her favourite piece of jewellery seems like a complete fluke if you ask me. I can't imagine anyone cherishing such an item. You probably fabricated all the answers, or used your powers to cheat." Adrien was quick to respond, his words cutting her deeply in the chest.

He'd told her he took her lucky charm everywhere, just like she took his. Why would he be saying that?

She glanced at Kagami who was looking down at her feet, and Ladybug couldn't help but wonder if she was embarrassed by her boyfriend's remark.

"That bracelet is special," Chat Noir hissed. "Don't talk about something you don't understand!"

"All I know is, if somebody gave me one of those, I'd throw it in the bin. After all, they're cheap and tacky."

She didn't know who's gasp was louder—hers or Kagami's.

Not waiting around to see what happened next, Ladybug spun on her heel and stalked away from Adrien. He'd lied to her. He'd been lying for years. He'd made her feel special but obviously that wasn't the truth. Was he keeping her sweet as a backup option? Saying and doing the right thing to keep her hanging on? All she knew was she was angry. Really, really angry, and before she did something embarrassing like cry over their fake history, she walked away without a single backwards glance—completely ignoring the bickering behind her.

She stalked over to the bar, plonking herself on a stool and slamming a hand on top of the table. "Two tequilas," she commanded the bartender before suddenly remembering her manners. "Per favore."

A Masked GetawayWhere stories live. Discover now