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Naeun and Juri still hadn't had their important conversation. The girl was starting to grow impatient, but she figured Juri would open up when she was ready. Naeun tucked her phone away into her skirt pocket and headed up the entrance stairs to get to her first class of the day.

She took her usual seat in the corner of the room and plugged in her earbuds to pass time while waiting for the professor. Leaning back in her seat, Naeun put on her favorite playlist and turned up the volume.

"Morning, sister in law!" Chenle greeted as he took his seat behind the girl.

"Morning, Lele," Naeun greeted back, turning around to face him.

"Did you finish the paper we were supposed to do?" He asked as he prepared his materials for class. "Jisung wrecked his car during a race and I got busy fixing it."

"What? He wrecked his car?" Naeun's voice was filled with concern. "What happened? Did he get in an accident?"

"Relax, relax. The opponent was using dirty play to win," Chenle sighed.

"Did Jisung get hurt?"

"Nothing life threatening, thankfully. He got a pretty nasty wound on his forehead but the doctor said it should heal pretty quickly."

"That's good, then," Naeun let out a breath of relief.  

"Look at you, all worried about your husband," Chenle teased, smirking.

"I just got a little anxious, okay? I know how dangerous street races can be."

"Wait, you didn't deny it! That means he's your husband!"

"Shut up!"

"Why didn't you guys invite me to the wedding? I'm offended!" Chenle popped out his lower lips.

"Yah, Zhong Chenle! I'm going to shove a screwdriver up your ass!"

Their conversation was cut short by another student coming up to Naeun's desk. The girl recognized him from a few of her other classes, but she didn't know his name.

"Jeong Naeun?" He spoke, his voice low and soothing. "Do you have the lecture notes from last week? I was absent."

Naeun nodded as she fished through her bag for the notes. She took them out, smoothing out any wrinkles before handing it to the boy. "Here you go."

He smiled and took it from her before adjusting the glasses on his face. "Thanks, it means a lot," he paused before speaking again. "I'm Kim Daehan, by the way. I was wondering if...maybe you wanted to grab some coffee together sometime?"

"She's married, don't try," Chenle interjected.

"What? You're married?" Daehan gasped, a hand flying up to his mouth.

"Shut it, I can always use an axe instead of a screwdriver," she whispered to Chenle before turning back to the boy in front of her. "I'm not marrried, and I'd love to grab coffee with you sometime. Just text me when you're free."

The two exchanged phone numbers before Daehan went back to his own sit. Naeun turned back around and saw Chenle giving her an annoyed look.

"You're out here getting other dude's phone numbers while you have a loving hisband waiting for you back home," he scoffed. "Jisung is going to be livid when he hears about this."

"I only agreed to get coffee with him, it's not like we got married in Vegas and then had three children," Naeun clicked her tongue before turning back around to face the board.

. . .

Naeun waited outside the university gate with Chenle after their classes. Naeun was more than glad that she didn't have evening classes that day. Jisung insisted on dropping her off to the dorms as well, and no amount of Naeun telling him that she could go on her own changed the boy's mind. 

"It's obvious that Daehan has a thing for you," Chenle said as he leaned against the staircase railing. "But Jisung is obviously way better for you anyway."

"You're only saying that because he's your best friend," Naeun rolled her eyes. "Jisung and I are just friends. He even agreed to it."

"Yeah, because friends wear couple rings and try to give each other kisses."

"Correction, he's the one trying to give me kisses. And the ring was a birthday present, of course I have to wear it.

"Right, because you promised to," Jisung's voice popped up from behind the girl. He wrapped his arms tightly around her waist in a back hug, nuzzling his face in the crook of her neck.

"Proving my point even more," Chenle muttered to himself.

"Yah, didn't I tell you to stop doing that?" The girl said to Jisung, flicking him on the forehead.

"You should know by now that I don't listen to you," he smiled cheekily.

Oh no, here comes drama Chenle thought in his head as he saw Daehan approaching from the corner of his eye.

Upon noticing this, Naeun immediately untied Jisung's arms from around her waist. The confused boy stumbled back, his eyes narrowing as Daehan approached Naeun.

"Hey, Naeun," he said, flashing a smile as he fixed his shirt.

"Hey, Daehan. What's up?" She replied, ignoring the glares Jisung was giving her from the corner of her eye.

"Is he your boyfriend?" He nodded over at Jisung.

"No, he's-"

"I'm her husband, what's it to you?" Jisung stepped in.

"Oh my god, please don't listen to him," Naeun nudged the boy away. "He's just my friend, ignore him."

Friend Jisung repeated in his head. He knew that he himself agreed to simply being friends, but hearing Naeun call him that was like a punch to the guy. He gulped before gently tugging on Chenle's sleeve. Chenle got the hint and cleared his throat before speaking up.

"We'll be waiting in the car, Nana," He said before walking away with Jisung. They walked to the parking lot and got into the car,

"You okay, dude?" Chenle asked.

"What? Of course I am! Why wouldn't I be? I've never been better!" The boy replied, sounding a little too enthusiastic.

"Yep, it's written all over your face, bitch," Chenle deadpanned. "You're the one who agreed to remain friend with her, why are you acting all sulky now?"

"It still hurts!" Jisung whined, banging his already gauzed up forehead against the steering wheel.

It hurts knowing she'll never like me the same way I like her...

Stuck | Park Jisung [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now