The Look of Love

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I push in my chair pack my belongings and begin walking out.

Today was quite a day. Leo kept nagging me between periods and during lunch. He kept trying to get my attention but I didn't bother to glance his way.

If I was being honest I found it quite enjoyable. I had to stop myself from smiling alongside him at times which was a bit difficult. 

When I see him again I'll forgive him, but of course, I will have to negotiate with him to give me his french toast next time they serve it.

I wouldn't plan on giving in that easily. 

"Ms. Jones, come see me for a moment."

I halt my footsteps, looking over my shoulder to meet Professor Knight's gaze.

I nod my head walking over. I wonder what he wants?

I ignored his gaze looking at the wall with interest. That's what I've been doing with all three of them.

One of the reasons was because of the way my heart would flutter as I looked at them. It really was bothering me. 

I didn't like the way my heart would skip a beat or how I would sit there in a trance staring trying to find an imperfection in each of them. Only to come out with nothing.

I mean at least one of them has to be better than the other. Not trying to be mean, I'm no one to talk to, and I'm far from perfect. But for them to be exactly the opposite was a concept I could fully grasp. 

It felt like a sin for all three of them to be that beautiful.  

But the other reason why I ignored his gaze was a reason that was greater. 

Ever since the incident with Professor Ford, I have been nervous if he had told them what happened between us.

I never took Mr. Ford as a man who felt the need to tell others his business however, you can never say never.

"Yes, Professor," I ask as I reach to stand in front of him. I try not to fidget with my hands as I look into his intimidating chocolate-colored eyes.

"I just wanted to ask if you are alright?" His deep voice asks.

What's with their deep voices?

"I'm g-guessing Professor Ford already told you,"  My voice came out softer as if I had been snitched on. 

"Yes, he did. I'm sorry if him telling me was something you didn't want" He spoke. 

"It's fine, I-I trust you three." 

"...Do you mind telling me what he told you specifically?"

"He just told us how you were in trouble and came to get you. He explained that you stayed over in the guest bedroom."

I sighed in relief, "Okay good.

"Is there something else that occurred?" 

I froze.

I looked up into his gaze, it was as if his eyes were swirling in amusement.

He surely does not know what happened...right?

"N-no," I stuttered nervously.

Clearing my throat, "But as for your question I'm doing alright. I'm sorry if I keep pestering you three, I know it can be quite annoying having to deal with me at times. It's not like it was on the job description..." I fiddle with my hands nervously as I look down.

"Ms. Jones." The slight sternness in his voice snaps my gaze up to his. Normally it was Professor Ford who was always stern.

"Stop speaking of yourself like that. If we found your presence even slightly irritating it would have been said by one of us. So stop saying you are." 

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