Part 1 🩷 : Chapter 8 : Fortnight

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Authors note : hii i recommend lsning to this song while reading the chapter yall will love it even more. Trust me.
Song 4 the chapter : "a drop in the ocean" by Ron Pope.


"Are you sure there arent any other rooms?" I asked impatiently.

"No dear, I'm afraid not."

"We'll take it," Jules said quickly, not wanting to argue.

The woman nodded and handed us the key, "Room 505, it's up the stairs into the right."

We thanked her and headed up the stairs, our footsteps stomping in the empty hallway. When we reached the room, I unlocked the door and it pushed open. The room was small with a single bed and a tiny bathroom. The decor was outdated, but it was clean and dry, which is all we needed right now.

I glanced at the small, uncomfortable, looking couch in the corner, and then back at Jules.

"I'll take the couch," I offered, trying to sound casual. "You should take the bed."

Jules rolled her eyes clearly not in the mood for chivalry. "Dont be stupid. The bed is big enough for the both of us. Just take the bed with me."

I had hesitated for a moment, but the look in her eyes, made it clear that she wasn't going to argue about this.


"It's not ideal, but it's better than the waiting room." I said, trying to lighten the mood a bit.

She managed a a week smile. "Yeah, I guess so."

She stood up and moved towards the window, looking out at the rain and the sea that was visible from the window.

"I just can't stop thinking about them out there. I feel so helpless."

I walked over and stood beside her, watching the rain cascade down the window pane. "I know, but the coast guard officers are doing everything they can. We have to just trust them."

She turned to me, her eyes will mixture of fear and determination. "Thanks for being here."

I held her hand as we both looked out the window. We stood there for a moment.

"Come on, we need to try and get some rest," I said look at her.

We didn't really have any dry clothes left, so I just took off my shirt and flipped it over a chair to dry. The cool air hit my skin and I turned to see Jules watching me, a very small smile playing on her lips, despite the exhaustion and worry on her face.

"Enjoying the view?" I teased a smile tukking at the corner of my lips.

She blinked, her cheeks flashing slightly as she realised she been caught. "Sorry, I didn't mean to."

"Hey, no worries," I said, try to lighten the mood. "I work hard on the abs you know. Gotta make sure they get some appreciation."

She laughed, shaking her head. "You're ridiculous. You know that?"

"Maybe, but at least I can make you laugh."

Whispers in the rain | charles leclerc *ੈ✩Where stories live. Discover now