Part 1 🩷 : Chapter 17 : Tolerate it

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Jules 🌟
How could I have fucked this up so bad?

I needed to make it up to max I had to show him how much he meant to me. I decided to go to Monaco the place where everything seemed to come to come back to. I booked a hotel room right next to his apartment, determined to do everything in my power to get him back.

The journey back to Monaco from Spain was just sheer anxiety. As the train sped through the picturesque landscapes, I kept rehearsing what I would say to him, and every scenario played out in my mind from him forgiving me immediately to him, refusing to even look at me, but I couldn't let those fear stop me.

I checked in to the hotel, barely noticing the luxurious surroundings. I went straight to my room and unpacked quickly quickly and headed out to Max's apartment's building. I stood across the street, my heart pounding. I sat in the lobby of his apartment building, waiting for him to appear. As time passed, and with each passing minute, my resolve strengthened.

I had to make things right.

Finally, I saw him as he walked out of the lift, his familiar stride, causing my heart to skip a beat. I looked up from my laptop and rushed over to him, my words stumbling out before even I could think.

" Max, please talk to me," I pleaded, my voice trembling with emotion.

He didn't even glance in my direction. He just kept walking, his face in a hard mask. It felt like a punch to the gut, but I wasn't giving up that easily. I watched him disappear on the streets, my heart heavy with sadness.

I decided to wait. I sat in the lobby, my laptop on my knee, trying to get some work done, but mostly just staring at the screen as my mind raced. People came people stared, and people went glancing at me curiously, but I barely noticed.

Hour on hour dragged on, each one feeling like an eternity. I tried to distract myself by working, but my thoughts kept drifting back to Max. As the sun began to set the lobby grew quieter and the buzz of the city outside felt distant like it was happening in another world. I glanced at my watch, wondering where Max had gone. The anticipation of seeing him again kept me on it. My heart beating a little faster, every time the entrance door opened.

I stood up and stretched feeling this stiffness in my muscles from sitting for so long and walked over the large windows and looked out of the city. The lights of Monaco beautiful, starting to twinkle, casting beautiful glow over the harbour.

Just as I was about to sit down again, I saw him. He was walking towards the building, his face, tired, and drawn. I took another deep breath, pacing myself for another time to reach him.

When he stepped into the lobby, I headed over to him, "Max, please, just talk to me, ive been waiting here all day for you." I said, my voice, barely above a whisper.

He stopped and looked at me for a moment, and expression was unreadable. Then he turned around and walked towards the elevator, leaving me standing there, feeling more alone than ever.

But I couldn't give up not now. I sat back down with my laptop, my determination renewed. I was going to wait for him. I was going to wait for him right here, no matter how long it took.

I owed him that much.

I did this for the next couple of days, each day, seeming to stretch on endlessly blending into one another as I sat in the lobby of his apartment building waiting.

My routine had almost become robotic : I would come in early in the morning, laptop in hand, and sit in the same chair by the window. I watched people come and go, but I hardly registered any of it.

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