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Visit: @Zion204 my first account if you want to read my other Fics that's not published here yet!

Skimming through her Papers, grabbing a Pen and Drawing the Characters she has envisioned in her mind. She's been restless and Though She may have a lot of Work to do. She stills finishes them in time and passes them.

"Donghai? Earth to Donghaiiiii"

Blinking, She stopped and looked up Seeing Her Teacher Looking at her with worry. "My Kid are you working Intesly now?" Tang Asked and He stared at her Tired eyes and Messy Brown Hair. "Yeaah I've been Busy With the deliveries and for some reason Pigsy's New Noodle Recipe became hot" She Grumbled which earned Tang a chuckle.

"Well Speaking of noodles....How bout I treat you? You've been listening to my lectures and as a reward-"

"Tang. Just so you know You still have a Big ass list of tabs from pigsy"

Blurting that out He Flinched and Chuckled Nervously. Donghai knows that he's a Big fan with noodles and food and To be honest she's really worried about his Payment and who knows maybe The List of Tabs he has is long. Longer than her Hair Maybe. Donghai is the newly recruited Deliver man or Delivery girl in Pigsy's Noodles and Since she's new. Mk has been Guiding her and It's a relief knowing there's someone that's willing to help.

"Well-let's just go!"

"Okay then. Sure!"

Jumping out from her seat The student and teacher walked out the library and Head to the city. The Bustling streets and Tall buildings looming and High tech Technologies that's Really Impressive in this Time of Era. Maybe she should be grateful knowing that In this Time. Machines and Techs are Extremely Cool, there's even a flying Skateboard and Holograms too.

Stopping, Tang Glanced to his student and Frowned once she saw her Looking at the Empty Alleyway. "Is there a cat?" He asked and stood beside her, only too see nothing but garbages and rats.

"Did you see that?"

"See what?"

"There's a Man wearing a monks attire standing there"

Pointing to the Place. Tang Looked at his Young student and then glanced to the Position she's Pointing at "Donghai There's no one. You must be so tired." He Sighs and then Gently grabbed her. Donghai looked back to the Alleyway.

The Man looking at her In such gentle Eyes and Smile.

'So Familiar....'

That Man looks so Familiar to's like His Appearance was written In a book that she maybe, completely forgot. "Oh Hai. Did you bring your Notes? Mk has been bugging me for a new Story and I can't Refuse him" Tang Chuckled, remembering the young boys Pleading eyes and asking him to tell him another story which is Of course. How could he Refuse? That Child Is already Drowning in Monkey king Tales and even series and maybe....telling him a new one won't be Bad.

"Yeah I got my Notes. Want me to recommend one?"

"I was planning to tell Mk Guan Yins tale but Well...sure if you have one"

"Okay then, Let's see..."

Opening her Notes, her Eyes passed through the Studies and stories she's been collecting and then. Her fingers stopped on a Unfinished Page.

"How about....Journey to the west?"

Grinning Donghai Flipped her notebook and showed her teacher the drawing of Monkey king and Behind him is his Master and Sole Younger brothers. Zhu Baije, Sha Wujing, Tang Sanzang and The White dragon Horse.

"Oooh Not bad! I've been telling Mk Monkey king stories way too much. Maybe telling him this Story is a fresh start!"

"Also there's alot of characters here to Explore"

Tang Grinned and Stare at his students drawings and Writtings about the Story. Donghai yawned, Rubbing her eyes She flinched once she saw the Man again.

"Such impressive could learn alot from the monks or even the scholars"


Jumping, Tang Back off from her sudden outburst. The two breathing heavily as they scared each other. "A-are you Okay?! Donghai please tell me are you sick?!" Tang Teared up not wanting to see his student get Sick or maybe have a disease.

"I-im not? Let's just leave! This place is Creeping me!"

Pushing him to move. Tang is still not Convinced at her Sweaty face and Shaky Response, it's as if she saw a ghost or something. Maybe he has a food crumb on his Cheeks that he didn't notice....he should check on that.

"Donghai don't hide things from me Okay? I'm always worried about you. Especially Mk and Mei. My those kids are Definitions of Chaos and Fun"

He Sighs and The girl Rubbed her Neck. How is she gonna explain what she saw? That there's a Monk Standing infront of her and Hell she didn't even know that guy! "I...I will Sir....maybe Im just so tired" She Exclaimed and Tangs expression suddenly became Firm.

"Don't call me sir. Teacher is fine or even my name"


He hates the word sir,makes him old "Oh and you'll be helping me Telling this story" He Beamed and Donghai Sweatdropped at him. He's testing her again and Since he's her history teacher she can't Say no knowing the guy has a love of Books and history.

Entering the Familiar Noodle shop, Donghai is instantly Greeted by Mei and Mk Squeling to Puppy videos and cats. "Sup Pigsy" She Greeted and the man peeked behind the counter. He then Glared to Tang who only Smiles at him.

"Two noodles Pigsy. Oh and It's my Pay"


"Ignore Tang he's been Busy With books"

She said and Her teacher Gawked at her. "Sure then, two noodles coming right up!" Pigsy nods and Donghai Pat's His back. "I'll be nice here Teach. I'll be paying" She Grinned and This caused Tang to Beamed in such Happiness. Even hugged her so tight that maybe she lost some of air.

"Yo! Hai! Mk and I will be playing Monkey mech up his room! Wanna Join us?"

"Yeah! Monkey mech Has a new Characters and They even Added New Powerups!"

The two high fived. Hearing the new games new Features She Gasped and her eyes Sparkled. She's a Big fan of Monkey mech Game and She has beaten a few highscores too. Looking back to her teacher Tang Chuckled at her Face "go Have fun Hai don't worry I'll call you once the noodles are ready" pigsy Exclaimed and The three teenagers instantly Sprinted upstairs hearing their Loud Chatterings and laugh.

"She's still a kid. Of course"

Tang Chuckled and Then Opened Donghai's notes. While the three kids are playing upstairs, and the two adults Talking, Unbeknownst to them that a Certain Monk has Visited the Noodle shop and Watch their Strange interactions.

But his eyes is all set to her, The brown hair and Blue Eyes of a young Girl that has grown to love History and Old Literatures.

Smilling, He vanished and Stood outside the building. People Passing his ghostly figure as he Sigh in Content.

'Shes Perfect'

- Golden Cicada
Monkie kid

The Golden Cicada [MONKIE KID COMPILED VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now