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A message.

The World you see was not perfect. Instead you see it as a balanced Universe; Life and Death are One and they are whole, Without the other half one cannot exist. Just like the Yin and Yang.

If ever you See the Sun. Smile.

"Goodmorning My Dear! Wake up! Pigsy's gonna Scold you if ever you are late!" Throwing out her blankets and Stuff toys Tripitaka Happily Dragged her out "Goodmorning to you too Trip. Wait-woah that's a new look" Eyes wide Tripitaka Smirked and twirled around showing his Succesor his now new clothes.

"Right? Mei and Mk helped me out with the colors! And Tang became my Judge while we're choosing some new robes!"

Smile my Soul. Smile whenever the sun shines, cause like the Cosmos The great crown that Lies Close to the Brightest Planet embraces the stars too; like Precious jewelries the Sun Delicately Cares for the Stars.

If you're Lonely remember you're not have Small fallen stars down the earth, If you have time why not lead them? Bright up their Road and Be their light.

"Morning Hai! So? Ready to go Bust some Cringe costumers and Deliver some Noodles?"

"My bike broke again. But okay! "

"Lemmie join you guys!"

Jumping in behind the driver's seat, Mei Shaked in Excitement with the Great Monk Squeling beside her. With the Deliveries the two Secured The bags While Mk is driving and Donghai using his phone to navigate the roads.

Oh how Beautiful the stars are. Such mysteries and How they make those Constellations for the Lost Souls.

I too followed one. I was a lost Light. Not until I saw a small glimmering light, I got close to it and saw One Beautiful Woman. She is sight to behold and My Darkness got pulled alongside with her, We were soul sisters, Not related by blood but by soul.

Eternity will stay with us, destiny has Been Pitiful and let's us to be With our own world.

"Sup! So how is she? How's your back?"

"It's You! That Golden Cicada Girl!"

Greeting the young girl, She's now sitting beside Tang Slurping her own noodles "yyyup! That's me!" Grinning, She Awed at her and Giddily asked if she could have a autograph.

My last Word....young one. My voice no longer Lives here in this life, but please....if she's Down....embrace her, tell her that You are with her in this Desperate times, Even if the tides are against you always Be with each other.

"Woah woah Calm down there Girl"

"What?! The guy Is perverted he atleast deserve some bitch slap!"

"Yeahh I knoooow. But Fighting with this guy ain't Worth it" smirking Mei scared off the poor man with her fire, seeing him scream in horror and running Away like a wuss, The two wheezeed like dying goats and laughed their lungs out.

"Ah glad that you're with me Mei"

"Always my Girl"

Sing for her. Tell her old legends and stories about the gods. She loves those, she loves to write and if so. Write her. She is a poetry in the eyes and a Madness that I would love to immortalise, with using words of black and white.

You don't need to worry about those, since Writing is also an art. Only that we use words as our paint brush and the paper as our canvas.

"Sup Monkey king! We got your order!"

"Oh! Glad you arrived safely kiddos!"

Waving at them, Two girls laughed as they crashed in the kings home With the Great Monk Scolding them for being reckless again. Wukong only Chuckled and shaked his head.

Live on my Soul, In this Broken World I hope to see you Grow like a Beautiful light.

I'll wait for you In our next Life....A promised we made and I hope to be part of your Small Constellations of stars.

"Girl you look Dazed....ya thinking something?"

Snapping out her Thoughts, Donghai Laughed and Wrapped her arms around her two Besties. "Eh. Just some old Memories that popped out. But I'm fine!" Patting them, The Sun Slowly sets down, With Mei offering her bowl of noodles Wukong Scoots in close to them with Tripitaka Happily Becoming their chef cooking them homemade foods.

I'll see you there....

Till our next Life Were gonna be Sisters again. With My Constellations of stars.

—The Golden Cicada—

It's the White Bone Spirits Message for the Dragon, the Monkey and Lastly the Golden Cicada.

The Golden Cicada [MONKIE KID COMPILED VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now