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[It's The strong bond]

Lighting up the whole ancient Grounds, Mei Groaned but still Hugged Donghai close to her to keep her body warm.

But no matter how she Rub her palms on her hand, wrapping another scarf or Zipping her jacket. Donghai is slowly freezing and her eyes turned blind.

All she can see is Dark bluish colors of her Friends, she was Trembling. Shivering and Suprisingly Mei's Chest is warm and it's the only thing that keeps her Warm "Donghai, girl-" choking Mei Teared up seeing strands of her hair turning white, Her skin turning even colder,Her responses too are slowly getting lesser and lesser.

"W-wheres Mk?"

"Please....Just, Donghai..."

"I can still fight....just...a bit longer"

Hearing loud crashes and clangings of metals, Mk Looked back at the source of sound. It must be Nezha and His Mentor Throwing fist at each other, they're still fighting but.

They don't have much time! His Bestfriend is about to die because of the curse and Macaque Might come in any second! "Like Monkey king said! Uh we'll wait for him!" He Nods, Glancing back to the three rings that's floating. He Gripped his Jacket and Ran towards his Two Besties.

Removing his Jacket, he Wrapped it around Donghai and Untied her hair "Donghai. Hold on okay? Monkey king will be here just..." God, he's gonna cry he doesn't want to see his Bestfriend die infront of him and Donghai has been the one So kind and patient with their Chaotic banterings.

Maybe without her they will be no longer complete. She's a perfect Addition of the family, a sister and a Great Friend to have.

"Don't cry.....Don't cry you two...."

Chuckling weakly, The Crew looked at each other. Seeing The great Monk not uttering a word he Gently Cupped his Succesors Face and Smiled "Don't fight too much okay?....if it's enough...that's enough" Smilling at him Donghai Hummed in reply and Hugged the Monk.

Know the End of the line....


To die, She doesn't know what happens next or what will happen to them. Who's gonna Protect everyone? Who's gonna Watch over Tripitaka? Tang can but....everyone will be lonely and They will miss her crazy Banterings with Mk and Mei.

"Hey Donghai look new Monkey mech Skins!"

"So Girl you want some Makeovers? I can Tie your hair!"

"Goodmorning my little Cicada! Time for Breakfast and daily trainings!"

"Donghai don't work yourself too much okay? Sometimes Rest can be good too!"

Ah....is this what dying looks like? She could hear and remember Memories. So little and blurry but she could hear voices of them.

"Dammit. Where's that Monkey?! He better come quick!"


"No pigsy! Time is ticking here and every second. Donghai is loosing it..."

How long exactly are they gonna wait? Till her Bestfriends body turn cold that's it? "Wait-guys did you hear that?" Hearing loud Cackling of ice, Tang looked around.

A loud Crashing of ice Looming under them, spreading all around the Ritual site Tang Stood close to the three kids. Covering them from the Sharp ice Mei Hissed when her chest tightened in pain, Gripping her blade she Stood close to Donghai with Mk Assisting her, Looking up at the Huge Metallic beast with shadows Circling around, the two kids Glared at the new Comer.

The Golden Cicada [MONKIE KID COMPILED VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now