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'Is that Really Wukongs Staff? My How long has it been?'

The ride through the sea has been smooth for them and Donghai as usual is Only watching the Monk Float around the Boat and Goof around with the technologies. "This Strange Box Is a bit....Cranky" Tripitaka Exclaimed and He Hummed as he Circled around the object "Trip that's a Toaster. It's like....It Cooks The Bread or someshit" She sighs and Yelped once the Monk Bonked her with The Stick he's been carrying.

"Language! My Do I really need to hit you with this Stick?!"

"Ow! Okay Fine! I'll just stop!"

She Groaned and Tripitaka nods. Scratching her Head. A Loud Bang vibrated through her Ears and Out of Instinct she hugged Mei and the two girls drop to the ground. "Mk! What are you doing?!" Donghai Growled and Glanced to the Staff that almost Hit their Heads.

"Wooh! That was Awesome!"

"S-sorry! The Staff actually just Moves on its own—"

Screeching Donghai carried Mei again and Jumped around avoiding the Staff that's Wiggling and Crashing through Boxes. Much to her suprise it hit Mk's Forehead and made a loud Bang which caused her to wince and so is Tripitaka who's Behind her.

"Oooooh that Bang Hurts..."

"Bless Buddha"

Helping him up. Mk Rubbed his Forehead and Groaned "that Shit Hurts! It feels like getting Smacked by a car or something!" He Hissed and Donghai being a dumbass she is Flicked his Red Forehead and Laughed at his Reaction. "Yeaaaaah Didn't Know you have a Big Forehead Monkey Man!" She laughed and Mk Crossed his arms from her.

"Were here! Two of you shut up! It's the flowerfruit mountain!"

Mei Shakes and of course being a Monkey king fan they are Mk and Donghai scrambled to their position and Awed at the Moutain that's Literally glowing in their eyes.

"It's so Beautiful!"

"Bless Us Donghai! We're finally Getting there!!!!—"


Stumbling back they screeched once the Boat Shook Violently mixed with hot Steams and The Waters Blasting out. Donghai Clinged behind The young boy and Popped out Behind him only to see a Big ass Land full of lava's and Volcanoes.

"Welcome to the Flaming mountains Gang! A volcanic Ring surrounds the mountain making is Very Impassable!"

Sandy Grinned and Seeing those Gazers Spitting lava's and Volcanoes smoking like There's no tomorrow gives Donghai a Very. VERY big Anxiety, She's Never been here and she sometimes she trips and Drops stuff!

"This path is the only safe way through. That's as close as the boat can get so Just...Be careful!"

Sandy Pat's her and the they slowly left the boat. And while walking through the hot Road Donghai is forced to stick With Mk and Cling to him like a baby Koala, he's not bothered by it since Well...Donghai is damn Light.

"M-Mk don't Drop me please"

"Of course I won't! You suck at Walking and You Trip all the time so Just Cling there Hai I'll carry through!"

"A-Am I not Heavy like a Cow?"

"Cow?! Geez you're like a Paper!"

Mk Cackled and Donghai Pinched His Nose. See These two won't stop Shitting at each other and that's a daily routine. It's not like Donghai hates it but it's The constant Banterings the three Besties would have that's making her feel at home and safe.

"He's a Keeper Donghai take care of him"

Tripitaka Whispered to her and Chuckled at the young Boy that's Carrying Donghai to easily with no sweat. "Wow Way to Go being a I dunno. Spirit Floating around and not minding some Lava's hitting your face" She Exclaimed and Tripitaka who's floating blinked and gave off a Laugh. "Ohohoho! Perks of being a Transparent One Maybe?" He Grinned and God she really wants to grab a Rock and Knock him with it.

Hearing a loud Scream. Mk and Donghai Stopped and Glanced behind them only to see Mei And Pigsy who looked like he just Lost his Soul.

"Careful Piggy! You gotta wonder why Monkey king decided to live here of all places"

Mei Nods and Donghai Agreed to her. I mean theres a beach. Land full of flowers and even a Desert to Live but out of all the Homes The monkey king chose its a Land that's protected by Volcanoes.

"Maybe he got Some Weird taste or It's just his Aesthetic."

"Or maybe both at that!"

Donghai and Mei Snickered "Hey! Fun fact! When Monkey king had to get through the Flaming mountains he actually Used Princess Ironfans Fan!" Mk Grinned and Pigsy and Mei stood stiff once they saw a Familiar woman Floating.

"Well, well,well aren't you little Monkey king Fanboy"

Backing off from the Demoness Mk And Donghai Clinged at each other "It's Legit The Fan lady from the Stories!" Donghai Shrieked and a Blast of Fire Attacked them. Mk and Mei Shrieked at the Huge Blast of Flames and Ran around avoiding it but the ground Shook and The three of them Rolled to the ground hitting their faces.

"Kids! Everyone okay?!"

"Donghai! Your nose!"

"Girl It's Broken!"

Rubbing her Sore Nose. Ironfan laughed at their Petty Conditions. Her Red eyes Looking down to them with her weapon gleaming in through the Flaming Land. "I'll be taking that Staff now" She Grinned and Boy wasn't Donghai pissed at her.

"No!" Pushing Them behind her She Point her Finger to the Demoness not even caring if her Nose Is Bleeding. "This Staff ain't yours Weird Hairdo Lady! It belongs to the great sage now Suck it Up and eat Sand—" Ironfan rolled her eyes and With a Movement of her Fan the Wind Blew Stronger making the Lava's blast around. Mk Grabbed Mei and The Dragon Girl Gripped Donghai's Jacket.

"Don't let go!"

"I-im trying! The wind it's—Too strong—!"

Mei Shouted back and Her Hand Slipped. Gasping Donghai Got blown away and All that's left is her Jacket in Mei's Hand.



—Golden Cicada

The Golden Cicada [MONKIE KID COMPILED VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now