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Naeun and Daehan had been getting closer over the weeks. They would usually go to the dorms together, hang out during classes, or simply messaging each other in their free time. 

None of which went unnoticed by Jisung.

He noticed how the girl messaged him less and messaged Daehan more, how she hung out with him less and with Daehan more. And oh, how bad it hurt.

He knew that he was being irrational. Naeun could spend time with whoever she wanted to, after all, she didn't belong to him. But it stung his heart seeing another guy being able to make her so happy.

On a day where there weren't any classes, Jisung waited at Chenle's workplace for Juri to arrive. He had called her over instead since he couldn't reach Naeun. The boy assumed that she was off with Daehan somewhere.

"I'm here!" Juri announced as Chenle opened the door for her. Jisung sat up, patting the spot next to him and Juri sat down.

"What's the problem, Ji?" Juri asked. "You like, never call me to hang out."

"Here," he handed her two tickets for the race he was having that night. "And bring Naeun."

"If she didn't want to come I would drag her anyway," Juri shrugged as she tucked the tickets away into her pocket.

"Good, this race is important and I really want her to come," he sighed, leaning back against the couch.

"It's against Na Jaemin, right? I heard he's a pretty good racer."

"Oh yeah, he's one of the best. I was up all night watching his races to try and figure out a strategy to win."

"I believe you'll win," Juri smiled. "Anyway, what's the deal between you and Naeun? And don't lie to me."

"She loves that Daehan guy more than me, Juju," he pouted.

"She never loved you in the first place," Chenle deadpanned, bringing snacks for the three of them. Chenle sat down next to Jisung, putting the ships into the bowl of them to share.

"Don't wreck your car again, it was such a hassle repairing it last time," Chenle said, pushing the bowl to the middle of the table.

Jisung nodded, popping a chip into his mouth.  Both of his friends could easily notice how off his mood had been these past few weeks. And they knew exactly why. But the two had no idea how to comfort him.

"...are you sure you'll be able to participate in the race? Jaemin is a tough opponent, you know?" Chenle asked.

"Why wouldn't I be able to? I'm Park Jisung, remember?"

"Park Jisung, who is a big simp," Juri teased.

"Juju! I am not a simp!"

"Didn't your mom teach you not to lie, Jiji?" Chenle joined in on the teasing.

"I hate you guys."

Jisung dropped Chenle and Juri off to the dorms after Chenle's shift finished. The two stood awkwardly in between the buildings, neither of them really wanted to leave yet. Chenle ran a hand through his hair before speaking up.

"Um, I made kimchi fried rice yesterday. There are still some leftovers...do you want to come over for dinner?"

"S-sure, I'd love to," Juri replied, trying her best to sound casual. She'd had a crush on Chenle for more than a few weeks and she still felt awkward around him. The girl was glad he was usually pretty talkative, since it helped cover up her awkwardness.

The two walked over to the boy's dorm building together. A group of students by the entrance were making lewd comments about seeing a girl heading to the boy's dorm, but they ignored it.

He took out his key and opened the door, letting Juri enter and then trailing in behind her. The dorm was simply decorated, mostly gray and black interior with a few potted plants here and there. It was small but neat and tidy.

Juri took off her shoes and placed them on the rack next to Chenle's. She watched as he took off his bag, putting it down on one of the chairs in the living room. To her, even doing something as simple as that was like watching a model pose for a photoshoot.

"Make yourself comfortable, I'll go heat up the food," he said, smiling at her before stepping into the kitchen.

Juri sat down on the gray loveseat, enjoying how soft it felt. She watched Chenle fix two bowls of kimchi fried rice and microwave them, the hearts in her eyes practically visible. She didn't know how something as simple as microwaving food could look so sexy. But he somehow made it possible.

He came back with the two bowls and sat down next to her. He handed her one of the bowls as well as a pair of chopsticks. Juri thanked him, waiting until he started eating before digging in herself.

"You made this yourself?" She asked. "It's delicious!"

"Thanks," Chenle chuckled. "I'm trying to save on money, so I started cooking more often. Glad to know my skills have improved."

The two ate together in silence except for the sound of the soapy drama playing on the TV. Chenle had only put it on to conceal some of the awkward tension lingering in the air. He was usually extremely talkative with Juri, but having the girl alone in his dorm suddenly made him feel all shy.

He had been wanting to confess to the girl, but could never find the right time to do it. It wasn't that Chenle was too nervous, something just always had to interrupt them.

This was the perfect time.

The two set their empty bowls on the coffee table at the same time. Chenle turned over to face Juri, scooting a tad bit closer.

"Juri, can I...talk to you about something?"

"Hm? What about?"

"I just wanted to say, I-"

"Oh my god, you have a dog?"

The girl was quickly distracted by the cute little white fur ball that ran out of Chenle's bed room.

(just some ChenRi moments before i go back to the main storyline)

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