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0.42 Why don't you ever fully let me in?

PAIGE WAS NERVOUS to say the least, as she changed her outfit for the 8th time that evening while getting ready for her date with Kameron- her first ever date with Kameron Stevens which was quite unreal to think about because she felt as if they've been together for so long

Azzi and Nika watched from the blonde's bedroom door with amused smiles on their faces, they sighed and whispered to each other when Paige once again takes off the top she was wearing and rummaged through her closet to find another one- they watched as Paige slipped on a cropped tank top and pulled her black button up over it checking herself in the mirror

when Azzi saw her about to take it off again she pinches the bridge of her nose, no longer having fun in watching the blonde change outfits over and over again, she nudges Nika and butts her head towards Paige's figure, Nika immediately gets her signal and clears her throat "oh that's cute, isn't the the button up Kam said she really liked on you?"

Paige paused midway into slipping the top off and looks over at Nika "wait forreal?" she asks

Nika and Azzi nods eagerly "alright then" Paige mumbles and finally settles with the outfit she has on. A white cargo pants, white tank and black button up. When the two other roommates saw this, they secretly high fived, a look of satisfaction on their features

"hair?" Paige asks brushing her blonde locks

"bun- definitely, Kameron said she loves it when your hair was up in a bun" Nika tells Paige who quickly puts her hair up in her signature low bun

Paige finally finished getting ready, she checks herself once more in the mirror before turning to her two roommates who both gave her two thumbs up for approval, she nods at them thanks and sighs "Alright, wish me luck fuckers" she says picking up her keys by the lace and grabs her bag and the flowers she bought for Kameron from her bed and heads out the door, a nervous aura surrounding her

"good luck, have fun! don't do anything stupid!" Nika calls from the living room

"have fun! make smart decisions!" Azzi yells

It felt like an eternity driving to Kameron's apartment building when in reality it was only 15 minutes but Paige was such a nervous wreck that it felt forever for her before she finally made it up to Kameron's apartment and was already knocking on her door

"coming!" she heard the cheerleader call from inside

Paige clears her throat, shook off her nerves and gripped the bouquet in her hands as she waited for Kameron to answer the door- when she finally did, Paige felt as though she forgot every word in the english language as she felt her mouth agape and her mind shut down

dressed in a black tube top and a long fitted maxi skirt, Kameron had her hair tied up in a high slicked pony tail and of course the silver necklace around her neck- she beams up at Paige who was covering half her face with the flowers in her hand

"I- wow you're so beautiful" Paige stuttered

"you look very dashing yourself— I love your hairstyle" Kameron responded with a blush

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