3. Tremor Bass

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Wednesday, afternoon before the performance at the Rockit, Knives is in School and Scott is still cringing at the previous night.

Scott clicked the door closed as he stepped into Stephen Stills apartment to practice, his mind still lingering on last night.

"Uh Scott? Are you alright? You look kind of out of it." Stephen quickly called Scott back to reality upon seeing him.

Kim added onto this. "He's right, even I'm concerned. Wait no, I'm not."  

"Just a... long embarrassing night filled with battering myself, don't worry about it, we need to get ready for the show tonight anyway, right?" Scott reassured them, pulling his bass out as he got ready to play.

It's time to practice for the show tonight.


The show tonight.

Knives excitedly stepped into the space Infront of the stage at the Rockit, absolutely stoked to see Sex-Bob-Omb play. Her starlit gaze flickering around the place like it was a candy store, and she couldn't decide what she wanted.

"Hey Knives." She quickly turned her head to the table Wallace was sitting at with a girl she wasn't quite sure she's met.

"Have you met Stacy? She's Scott's sister." 

"Wow, so you're the seventeen-year-old? I've heard so many things about you! All good things, promise." Stacy greeted Knives as Wallace sipped his drink.

"Oh yeah! That's me, Knives Chau! nice to meet you!" She held her hand out for Stacy to shake "I'm 18 kinds of pumped to see Sex-bob-omb play tonight! Speaking of, have you seen Scott?" 

Wallace answered casually "Actually, for once I think he's here early, backstage. Honestly kind of surprising knowing him."

"Oh okay!" Knives without a second thought bounded backstage right as Ramona walked into the building.

It was a bit strange, no, very strange for her to be in this position, ironically, she was the one chasing for once, but it just bothered her how Scott left like that. She had to get some sort of closure or smooth things over. She had heard from a friend of a friend that Scott had a band and was playing tonight, hopefully she'll get to talk to him.

She turned over to where Wallace and Stacy were sitting, unaware of who they were. "Hey, do you two know where I can find Scott Pilgrim?"

Wallace grinned a bit. "Oh, are you Ramona Flowers by any chance?"

"uh, yeah that's me, why?" 

"Wallace Wells, I found a note on the floor with your name and a number on it when I walked into the apartment.  You know Scott somehow?"

Ramona immediately perked up. "Wait, hold on, you're Wallace wells? Who was that who answered the door then?" 

"Oh, that was... hmm. " Wallace smirked to himself. "Scott brought home a guy for once." Wallace joked, sipping his drink again.

Stacy raised an eyebrow at this "Wait what? Scott brought home a guy? is he still there??"

"Yes, Scott just dropped him off randomly, I'll explain after the show the best I can if you really want to know." Wallace shrugged.

Ramona also raised an eyebrow in confusion but decided it would probably be better to ask Scott. "Uhm, right, like I was asking earlier, do you two know where I can find Scott?"  

By this point a crowd had grown in the room. 

Wallace sipped the rest of his drink away. "He's backstage, maybe afterward though, his girlfriend is talking with him." Wallace also put girlfriend in air quotes.

Now it was Ramona's turn to raise an eyebrow as her eyes widened at this revelation. "Wait, he has a girlfriend? Then-" 

Ramona was interrupted by Knives as she stepped back into the conversation.

"Guys the show is about to start! The opening band canceled so Sex Bob-omb is going to play first!  I'm so excited I might just pass out!" Knives ecstatically said while fanning herself with her hands, looking like she was going to explode into a cloud of confetti from excitement.

"Already? Alright then." Wallace stood up first, followed by Stacy. both shuffled into the crowd, Knives grinning hugely as she danced over into it with them. Ramona following behind, but then spotted Julie and strutted over to her instead.


"WE ARE SEX BOB-OMB!" Kim Pine shouted from the stage as they began playing. Knives passed out after about 15 seconds of music, to the concern of Ramona, and as the band kept playing. then there was a loud crash as a wall was knocked down from across the room.

"MR PILGRIM!"  Mathew Patel shot out from the rubble. He flew out at Scott, trying to slam a punch into him which Scott deflected. Patel was thrown back, he strategically twirled into the air and landed on his feet.

"Uhm? Hi? Who are you? Why are we fighting?" Scott asked, still a bit nervous from seeing Ramona in the crowd but trying to brush it off.

"MATHEW PATEL!! DIDN'T YOU READ MY LETTER? IT WAS VERY DETAILED!" Patel yelled out, totally taken off guard.

"Uh, no... I didn't really. Can you summarize it?" Scott said in an embarrassed shrug.

Patel groaned and began explaining, all things you've definitely heard before. 


"Uhm, one issue, we're not really..." Scott began. 

Ramona continued for him. "We barely went on a real date; I don't think that really qualifies as together?"

Patel groaned and rolled his eyes in exasperation. "WHATEVER! You were getting close to her! So now you will meet your demise!" 



A shiver went down Negascott's spine, everything going numb for a split second, or maybe like time sped up for a minute, the taste of the ice-cream he was eating quickly filling his senses as he flashed back to reality.

That was weird.

He hadn't gone to the show tonight, I mean, he could barely get up to his feet, so why would he. Not like he even wanted to go. Regardless, that feeling was strange as all hell. He rolled over on the floor, snug in the blanket as he put his bowl down. He heard the door open, icy wind hitting him slightly for the few moments it wasn't shut.

"Oh... you're still here." Wallace put his coat up, averting his gaze as he walks over to his chair.

"I assume you probably want to come to the funeral. It's in a few days." Wallace sighed, lifting a book up and seemingly trying to distract himself.

"What...?" Negascott said in a very hoarse voice. Funeral? For whom? What? And where was...

"Scott, he got punched into the next life. Not all that surprising... I suppose... You should probably stay here; you seem pretty sick guy." Wallace offered. A tinge of despondency was flavoring his words.

Negascott just looked down at the floor. A funeral huh? Wow.

"I'll go." 

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